
Wekelijkse verzameling SaaStr-content met de Chief Revenue Officer van Atlassian, de vice-president van Amplitude voor Azië-Pacific en Japan, en de vice-president van Sales van Figma


The world of SaaStr is constantly evolving, and staying up to date with the latest news and trends can be difficult. To make things easier, we’ve rounded up some of the most interesting and informative content from the past week featuring three of the biggest players in the SaaStr space: Atlassian’s Chief Revenue Officer, Amplitude’s Vice President of Asia-Pacific and Japan, and Figma’s Vice President of Sales.

First up is Atlassian’s Chief Revenue Officer, Mark Anderson. Anderson recently spoke at the SaaStr Annual Conference, where he discussed the importance of customer success in driving revenue growth. Anderson highlighted the importance of creating a customer-centric culture, as well as how to measure customer success and how to use data to drive customer success. He also discussed how Atlassian has been able to use customer success to drive growth and how they have been able to scale their customer success efforts.

Next up is Amplitude’s Vice President of Asia-Pacific and Japan, Chris Taylor. Taylor recently spoke at the SaaStr Asia Summit, where he discussed how Amplitude has been able to successfully scale their business in the Asia-Pacific region. Taylor highlighted the importance of understanding local markets, as well as the importance of having a strong product-market fit. He also discussed how Amplitude has been able to use data to drive growth and how they have been able to leverage their data to better understand their customers.

Finally, we have Figma’s Vice President of Sales, Alex Karpinski. Karpinski recently spoke at the SaaStr Summit Europe, where he discussed how Figma has been able to successfully scale their business in Europe. Karpinski highlighted the importance of understanding local markets, as well as the importance of having a strong product-market fit. He also discussed how Figma has been able to use data to drive growth and how they have been able to leverage their data to better understand their customers.

Deze drie leidinggevenden zijn slechts enkele van de vele invloedrijke figuren in de SaaStr-ruimte die de toekomst van de sector helpen vormgeven. Door op de hoogte te blijven van hun inzichten en advies, kunt u voorop blijven lopen en ervoor zorgen dat uw bedrijf voorbereid is op wat er daarna komt.


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