
Gratis Valentijnsdag Love Bug Craft - Autisme onderwijzen


This free Valentine’s love bug craft is the perfect addition to your Valentine’s Day activities. I love this craft because my students get to put their own touch on it and create their own style of love bug. It also makes a great front of a card if you want to turn it into a Valentine’s Day card too. In this blog post I’ll share the materials you’ll need, instructions, and the free download for the craft template so you can just print it out and put it together.

Free Valentine's Love Bug Craft

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Free Valentine's Love Bug Craft

Benodigde materialen

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  • Print out page 3 of this document and cut out each of the individual pieces.
  • Fold a piece of card in half. 
  • Stick down A onto the card, with B on top. Then add the eyes (or use googly if you prefer).
  • Stick H (both) onto the bottom back of E and F so that the wheels sit behind.
  • Fold piece C over piece E then stick down onto the card.
  • Fold piece D over F then stick down onto the card.
  • Stick headlights (G) onto E and F.
  • Stick down black pipe cleaners on top of the car.
  • Stick small heart gems on the end of each pipe cleaner.

Gratis download

You can find the free craft download hier.

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Free Valentine's Love Bug Craft

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