
Adviseur voor medicinale cannabis in de staat Washington 💬 | Groene CultuurED


In 1998, Washington Initiative 692 approved medical cannabis use for patients with terminal and debilitating conditions then, on December 6, 2012, it became the first state to make recreational cannabis use legal (klik hier voor meer geschiedenis van de staat Washington).

As a state with more experience with cannabis policy implementation, Washington has a more structured approach to Training verantwoordelijke leverancier (RVT) dan programma's die in veel staten zijn geïmplementeerd (Colorado RVT, Massa Basis/Geavanceerde RVT, Illinois RVT, West-Virginia RVT, Alaska "Handler Permit", Enz.).

Each dispensary and retail store must have a medical cannabis consultant on staff who has completed the twenty (20) hour Consultant Certification Program approved by the Department of Health. Below is an overview of medical and recreational cannabis policies followed by a description of the Certificeringsprogramma voor medische cannabisconsulenten in de staat Washington.

Medicinale cannabispatiënten in de staat Washington

The Cannabis Patient Protection Act went into effect July 1, 2016, thus allowing patients with terminal or debilitating conditions two (2) belangrijkste opties:

  1. Patients can obtain a medical authorization form that allows them to home-grow.
  2. They can pursue recognition as a cardholder to buy cannabis and cannabis-infused products from state-licensed dispensaries.

De volgende lijst bevat enkele, maar niet alle, kwalificerende voorwaarden waarvoor een beroepsbeoefenaar in de gezondheidszorg (vergunning gegeven in de staat Washington) kan een medische verklaring afgeven:

  • Kanker
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • Traumatisch hersenletsel (TBI)
  • Multiple sclerose (MS)
  • Posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS)
  • Epilepsie (andere epileptische aandoening)
  • Spasticiteitsstoornissen
  • Intractable Pain (Not Alleviated by Conventional Medical Treatments/Medications)
  • Glaucoma
  • Ziekte van Crohn
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Chronic Renal Failure (Requiring Hemodialysis)

The first step is for the patient to meet with a healthcare professional who will provide a medical authorization form which the patient keeps so this step alone allows the patient to grow four (4) plants at home. If the patient would like to access medical cannabis from a dispensary, they must bring the authorization form to a dispensary.

Gekwalificeerde patiënten en aangewezen zorgverleners (a caregiver, or in the case of a minor patient, a parent, or guardian) follow a similar procedure and also submit their forms to a dispensary. This information is entered into the state medical cannabis database by a certified medical cannabis consultant who works at the dispensary and additional information can be found in the Ministerie van Volksgezondheid van Washington (DOH).

After getting the medical authorization from a doctor, the medical cannabis consultant enters the information into the recognized cardholder database, the patient or designated provider may legally purchase during a dispensary visit any combination of the following items:

  • Drie (3) ons (oz) van bruikbare cannabis
  • Achtenveertig (48) ons (oz) of cannabis-infused product in solid form
  • Tweehonderdzestien (216) ons (oz) of cannabis-infused product in liquid form
  • Eenentwintig (21) gram (g) of cannabis concentrate

Recognized medical cannabis cardholders may also grow six (6) planten voor persoonlijk gebruik en bezitten maximaal acht (8) ons (oz) of usable cannabis produced from their plants. If the patient’s healthcare practitioner determines the patient requires more than exceeds the state limits, they may authorize up to fifteen (15) planten en bezit van zestien (16) ons (oz) van bruikbare cannabis geproduceerd uit planten.

Als een gekwalificeerde patiënt met een geldig medisch goedkeuringsformulier ervoor kiest om niet in de database te worden opgenomen, mag hij alleen de bedragen kopen die zijn toegestaan ​​voor niet-patiënten die eenentwintig jaar oud zijn (21) en ouder:

  • Een (1) ons (oz) van bruikbare cannabis
  • Zestien (16) ons (oz) of cannabis-infused products
  • Tweeënzeventig (72) ons (oz) in vloeibare vorm
  • zeven (7) gram (g) cannabisconcentraten

These patients are limited to growing four (4) planten thuis en zes (6) ons (oz) van bruikbare cannabis. Een nadeel voor degenen die ervoor kiezen om niet in de staatsdatabase te worden opgenomen, is dat ze alleen een bevestigende verdediging hebben tegen strafrechtelijke vervolging (klik hier voor meer informatie).

Legalisatie van recreatieve cannabis

2012 Washington Initiative 502 legalized recreational for adults ages twenty-one (21) en ouder om cannabis te bezitten en te gebruiken, kunnen ze kopen tot:

  • Een (1) ons (oz) of usable cannabis (harvested flower)
  • Zestien (16) ons (oz) of cannabis-infused edibles in solid form
  • Tweeënzeventig (72) ons (oz) in vloeibare vorm
  • zeven (7) gram (g) cannabisconcentraten

Recreational cannabis must be purchased from a cannabis retail store and only medical cannabis patients with an authorization form are allowed to grow, so the only legal way to obtain cannabis for recreational use is through a cannabis retail store.

Certificering van medische cannabisconsulent

knoptensieve training

knoptensieve trainingWashington State Department of Health (DOH) manages the medical cannabis database system and credentialing of medical cannabis consultants who work in state medically endorsed cannabis stores.

All dispensaries and cannabis retail stores must have at least one (1) Medical Cannabis Consultant die dit type heeft voltooid: programma voor verantwoordelijke leveranciers op personeel dat gecertificeerd is om in de behoeften van medische patiënten te voorzien.

Deze twintig (20) uur Washington Medical Cannabis Consultant-certificering covers Washington State cannabis laws, qualifying conditions, and their symptoms, positive and negative effects of cannabinoids, products that may be useful for specific conditions, potential contraindications, and the risks and benefits of various routes of administration. It also covers the safe handling of cannabis products, patient privacy rights, and strategies to reduce access by minors.

Learners must pass the exam with a score of seventy percent (70%) to be certified, and certification must be renewed annually. Any future additional training programs must be approved by the Department of Health (DOH). While some states do not have specific requirements on the individual trainers’ credentials, Washington requires that trainers have education in nursing, agriculture, botany, or horticulture, or a license to practice law or health care professional (klik hier voor meer informatie).

De Liquor and Cannabis Board in de staat Washington (WSLC) oversees licensing and regulation of cannabis production, processing, and sales. WSLC enforces policies and procedures that impact dispensaries and retail stores, but they are not directly involved in the training of dispensary staff.

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