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Malaysia plans review of stalled Black Hawk leasing


15 May 2024

by Akhil Kadidal

The Malaysian Army Aviation is currently equipped with two helicopter types: the Agusta A109LOH (background) and the MD Helicopter MD530G (in foreground). The army lacks a medium rotary-wing utility and transport capability. (Janes/Akhil Kadidal)

The Malaysian Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) is planning to review the leasing of four Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk utility helicopters from a private company over delays in delivery of the aircraft.

Speaking to
on 9 May

during the recently concluded Defence Services Asia (DSA) 2024 exhibition held in Kuala Lumpur, the Chief of the Malaysian Army, General Tan Sri Dato’ Muhammad Hafizuddeain bin Jantan, said that the private contractor had requested additional time to deliver the Black Hawks.

“The last communication we have from MINDEF is that the [company] is not yet ready to deliver the aircraft,” Gen Tan said.

It was in May 2023 that MINDEF announced a deal to lease four Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk helicopters from Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd, a Kuala Lumpur-based company.

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