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Leaving my Part-Time Job to Focus on Blockchain Projects



Yes, that you read that correctly. I am officially leaving my part-time job that I work on the weekends, to devote more time to blockchain projects. I made the decision this week and am 100% certain that it is the right move for my family and I.

Why am I leaving and turning in my t-shirts? Because… I have outgrown that place. I’ve realized that there is FAR more potential in pursuing blockchain technology than spending my time earning peanuts and feeling under-utilized.

Would I earn a few extra bucks in the short-term by clocking in at that facility? Yeah, sure. Will I earn far more and live up to my full potential by pursuing what gets me excited? Absolutely. I want each day of my life to light me up and give me a strong sense of fulfillment.

Like I mentioned in my previous post, this is the season of change and I am ready for a big one. I am ready for the floodgates to open and for the opportunities in the blockchain space to flow in. I am ready to accept my calling and move on to the next phase in my life.

I want the things I spend time with on this earth to be worth it. I want to spend quality time with my kids and my wife. I want to build meaningful relationships with my neighbors. I want to get and remain in great physical shape. I want to purchase a home with cash and provide a living space that my family can enjoy.

I’m ready for the next level and I’m ready for the adventure. Right now my focus is on the Global Block Builders event happening this April. I want to do my best to make it a success as we bring multiple blockchain companies together to form one awesome event.

Myself, @steemcafe, @jongolson, @larrymorrison, @daveonarrival, and @captainbob are putting together something special that you are invited to attend. Not only that, but we have other projects up our sleeve which you guys may hear more about as time progresses this quarter of 2019.

So yes, I am leaving my part-time job that I hung onto “just in case” something were to happen and I needed some backup income. But you know what, sometimes in life, you know when enough is enough and it’s time to move on. Now is that time. Now is the season of change.

Does it scare me? No. I have complete faith that God has been working things out for his glory and in my favor. This is just the beginning of His divine plan and I am excited to see it unfold. May this decision open the doors to a plethora of opportunities that will allow me to serve and impact others at the highest level possible.

May this moment in time be the moment when I plant my feet firmly in the ground, raise the banner high, and run after my dreams. This is going to be fun, guys. Thank you for being part of my life and sharing in this news with me. Amazing things are going to happen over these next couple years and beyond. I can already feel it.

Never quit and always believe.


Source: https://steemit.com/blockchain/@kenmelendez/leaving-my-part-time-job-to-focus-on-blockchain-projects


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