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LCS Picks Week 6 Summer 2022


The LCS is back for the Summer with some teams making a lot of changes and others sticking with their five from the Spring. Each of these teams will be duking it out to not only win an LCS Championship but also to get the chance to go to Worlds. With that people may be wondering who to pick on their way to Worlds. Here are the LCS Picks for Week 6 of the 2022 Summer Split.

[Related: LCS Picks Week 5 Summer 2022]

Overall Pick Record: 29-16

Pick Record from LCS Week 5: 7-3

LCS Picks Week 6 Summer 2022 Day 1

FlyQuest vs. Cloud9

The LCS starts off the week with probably one of its best games. This one will certainly come down to execution. That is unless one team absolutely throws during the draft. Right now this one is a complete toss-up. Philip, while playing well is still a weak spot for FlyQuest. Expect for Cloud9 to take advantage and have Fudge carry them to victory.

Prediction: Cloud9 Win

Dignitas vs. 100 Thieves

After a banger to start, this game will probably be a route. Dignitas may have some fun in the early game but 100 Thieves are just a much better team. They take this one in under 30 minutes.

Prediction: 100 Thieves Win

TSM vs. Team Liquid

Last time these two teams met up TSM surprised everyone by thoroughly stomping Team Liquid. While that could still happen with the way TL have been playing, do not expect it to. Team Liquid are desperate and cannot afford to lose this one. Look for them to play super safe and scale to win a deciding teamfight in the late game.

Prediction: Team Liquid Win

Golden Guardians vs. CLG

CLG have certainly come back to earth but Golden Gaurdians continue to not play to their team’s strengths. This one will definitely be a fun one as both teams will be hungry for a win. Look for CLG to play into their strength in Luger and take advantage of GG’s bot lane.

Prediction: CLG Win

Evil Geniuses vs. Immortals

Immortals are on a modest two-game winning streak. Evil Geniuses are coming off their second loss. It is not hard to see that unless Immortals pull off a miracle, this will another stomp on day one.

Prediction: Evil Geniuses Win

LCS Picks Week 6 Summer 2022 Day 2

TSM vs. Golden Guardians

While many might think this one will be close, Golden Guardians counter TSM in a big way. If TSM want a chance they will have to draft well and hope that Spica can be impactful around the map. Unfortunately, this is pretty unlikely as Golden Guardians will look to stifle him.

Prediction: Golden Guardians Win

Evil Geniuses vs. FlyQuest

In another fun game for the LCS, FlyQuest will try to take down the best team in the LCS. FlyQuest are a very good team but this will not be their week. Evil Geniuses are a great team with strengths everywhere. Unless EG lose their mojo due to their loss to 100 Thieves, they should take this one.

Prediction: Evil Geniuses Win

Team Liquid vs. Cloud9

There are so many storylines for this game. By this point these two will be one game apart in the standings. It is time for Cloud 9 to come together and show everyone who they really are. TL cannot just play the late game scaling if they want to win. They have to start winning early and mid game skirmishes or they will continue to lose the confidence of fans. Cloud 9 take this one but barely.

Prediction: Cloud 9 Win

100 Thieves vs. Immortals

There is no doubt that 100 Thieves have the easiest week of the top teams. They have to take advantage of this as there is a chance they could catch EG thanks to their win over them in week 5. Immortals look better but not enough to pick them is this matchup.

Prediction: 100 Thieves Win

CLG vs. Dignitas

If CLG want to cement their spot in the top six for playoffs they have to beat the teams below them. Dignitas are not good at all. CLG just need to not lose in the draft and they should be able to take this one in under 30 as well.

Prediction: CLG Win

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