제퍼넷 로고

Kolibri Global Energy, 2021년 XNUMX분기 실적 발표


달리 명시되지 않는 한 모든 금액은 미국 달러로 표시됩니다.

TSX ticker symbol; KEI
OTCQB ticker symbol; KGEIF

뉴버리 파크, 캘리포니아, 2021 년 5 월 6 일 / PRNewswire / –


  • Average production for the first quarter of 2021 was 1,020 BOEPD, a decrease of 17% compared to first quarter of 2020 average production of 1,225 BOEPD. This decrease was due to the natural decline of existing wells
  • Average netback for the first quarter of 2021 was $28.32, an increase of 36% from the prior year first quarter due to higher prices in 2021. Netback including commodity contracts for the first quarter of 2021 was $24.77 which was 3% higher then the prior year first quarter
  • 조정된 자금 흐름은 다음과 같습니다. $ 1.5 만 2021년 XNUMX분기 대비 $ 2.0 만 in the first quarter of 2020. The decrease was mainly due to lower production and realized losses from commodity contracts in 2021 partially offset by lower average prices
  • Interest expense decreased by 53% from $ 0.4 만 in the first quarter of 2020 down to $ 0.2 만 in the first quarter of 2021 due to principal payments on the credit facility in 2020 which reduced the outstanding loan balance and lower interest rates
  • 수익(순 로열티 제외) $ 3.3 만 2021년 XNUMX분기 대비 $ 3.1 만 for the first quarter of 2020, an increase of 6%, as average prices increased 27% partially offset by an average production decrease of 15% between the quarters
  • 회사는 평균 가격으로 75년 기존 석유 생산량의 거의 2021%에 대한 원자재 계약을 체결했습니다. $48.89/통
  • G&A expense increased by 4% in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the prior year quarter due to higher advisor fees which offset cost cutting measures
  • 배럴당 평균 운영 비용 $7.30 per BOE in the first quarter of 2021 compared to $6.80 per BOE in the first quarter of 2020, an increase of 7%. The increase was due to higher production taxes in the first quarter of 2021 which were $2.25 per BOE compared to $1.62 per BOE in the prior year first quarter. Operating expense per boe excluding production taxes for the first quarter of 2021 decreased by 2% compared to the prior year quarter due to cost cutting
  • Net loss for the first quarter of 2021 was $ 0.6 만 in the first quarter of 2021 compared to a net loss of $ 66.5 만 in the first quarter of 2020. The first quarter of 2021 included an unrealized loss from commodity contracts of $ 0.9 만. The first quarter of 2020 included a PP&E impairment of $ 71.9 만
  • The Company had an outstanding balance of $ 19.4 만 신용 시설에 2021 년 3 월 31 일 and, subsequent to the end of the quarter, paid down an additional $ 0.8 만. 에 2021년 XNUMX월, the credit facility was redetermined at a borrowing base of $ 18.6 만 and the Company will make additional principal payments of $ 1.5 만 by 2021년 XNUMX월

Kolibri’s President and Chief Executive Officer, 울프 리제너 댓글 :

“The Company is pleased with the low decline rate on our wells which allows us to generate positive cash flow without additional capital expenditures.  In the first quarter of 2021, we generated $ 1.5 만 of adjusted funds flow.  We have already made principal debt payments of $ 2.1 만 in 2021, including payments made after the end of the quarter, which reduced our interest expense in the first quarter of 2021 by over 50% from the prior year quarter.

In 2021년 XNUMX월, BOK redetermined our credit facility at its current level and we will make additional principal payments of $ 1.5 만 by 2021년 XNUMX월 to reduce our outstanding loan balance to $ 17.1 만.  We have forecasted that these payments will be funded by cash on hand and adjusted funds flow.  We are not expecting another redetermination on our credit facility until the fourth quarter of 2021.

회사의 조정자금흐름은 다음과 같습니다. $ 1.5 만 for the first quarter of 2021 compared to $ 2.0 만 in the first quarter of 2020.  The decrease was mainly due to lower production and realized losses on commodity contracts in 2021 partially offset by higher average prices.

Net revenue increased by 6% in the first quarter of 2021 as average prices increased by 29% which was partially offset by production decreases of 15% compared to the prior year quarter. 

Netback from operations increased to $28.32 per BOE in the first quarter of 2021 compared to $20.75 per BOE in the first quarter of 2020, an increase of 36%.  Netback including commodity contracts for the first quarter of 2021 was $24.77 per BOE, an increase of 3% from the prior year first quarter.  The 2021 increase compared to the same period in the prior year was due to the increase in average prices offset by the decrease in average production which increases the fixed operating cost per barrel.

Interest expense decreased by 53% in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the comparable prior year period due to principal payments on the credit facility during 2020 which reduced the outstanding loan balance and lower interest rates.

The Company’s G&A expenses increased by 4% due to higher advisor fees in the first quarter of 2021 which offset cost cutting measures.

Operating expenses for the first quarter of 2021 decreased by 12% compared to the prior year first quarter due primarily to lower production and cost cutting measures in the field.  Operating expense per barrel averaged $7.30 per BOE in the first quarter of 2021 compared to $6.80 per BOE in the first quarter of 2020, an increase of 7%.   The increase was due to higher production taxes in the first quarter of 2021 which were $2.25 per BOE compared to $1.62 per BOE in the prior year first quarter.  Operating expense per boe excluding production taxes for the first quarter of 2021 decreased by 2% compared to the prior year quarter due to cost cutting.

In the first quarter of 2021, the Company incurred a net loss of $ 0.6 만 순손실에 비해 $ 66.5 만 in the first quarter of 2020.  The first quarter of 2021 included an unrealized loss from commodity contracts of $ 0.9 만.   The first quarter of 2020 included a PP&E impairment of $ 71.9 만. "

1st 2021 분기

1st 2020 분기


순 손실 :

$ 수천

$ (528)



$ per common share assuming dilution


$ (0.29)


자본 지출




Average production per day (Boepd)




Average price per boe




Netback from operations




Netback including commodity contracts






현금 및 현금성 자산

735 달러

920 달러

유동 자산

$ (4,371)


First Quarter 2021 versus First Quarter 2020

석유 및 가스 총 수익 합계 $4,176,000 분기 대비 $3,918,000 in the first quarter of 2020.  Oil revenues increased $69,000 or 2% as oil prices increased by $11.04 per barrel or 25% and oil production decreased by 17% to 697 bopd.  Natural gas revenues increased $102,000, 또는 54 %, $291,000 as average natural gas prices increased by 85% to $3.60/mcf which was partially offset by a natural gas production decrease of 16% to 898 mcfpd.  Natural gas liquids (NGLs) revenues increased $87,000, or 30%, as NGL prices increased 57% to $24.15 per BOE which was partially offset by a production decrease of 16% to 173 boepd. 

Average production for the first quarter of 2021 was 1,020 BOEPD, a decrease of 17% compared to the first quarter of 2020 average production of 1,225 BOEPD.  This decrease was due to the natural decline of existing wells.

생산 및 운영 비용이 다음으로 감소했습니다. $670,000$758,000 in the prior year first quarter and the per boe production and operating costs were $7.30/boe in the first quarter of 2021 compared to $6.80/boe in the first quarter of 2020.  

감가상각비 감소 $451,000 or 33% due to lower production in the first quarter of 2021.

General and administrative expenses increased $26,000 or 4% due to higher advisor fees which offset cost cutting measures by the Company.

Finance income decreased $5,686,000 in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the prior year quarter due to a realized gain on commodity contracts of $374,000 and an unrealized gain on commodity contracts of $5,312,000 in the first quarter of the prior year.

금융비용 증가 $1,000,000 in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the prior year quarter due to unrealized losses on commodity contracts of $883,000 and realized losses of $326,000 which was partially offset by the 53% decrease in interest expense.



(미감사, 미국 달러로 표시)

(명시된 경우를 제외하고 $000)


31년 일월



유동 자산


735 달러

920 달러

  매출 채권 및 기타 채권



  보증금 및 선불비용





비유동 자산

  재산, 식물 및 장비



  상품 계약의 공정 가치





총 자산

$ 81,251

$ 82,184

유동 부채

  매입 채무 및 기타 채무

$ 3,974

$ 4,371

  대출 및 차입금의 현재 부분



  지불할 리스



  상품 계약의 공정 가치





비유동 부채

  대출 및 차입



  자산 처분 의무



  지불할 리스






  주식 자본



  기여한 잉여






총 자본



총 자본 및 부채

$ 81,251

$ 82,184


운영 및 포괄적 손실에 대한 요약 된 통합 진술

(미감사, 주당 금액을 제외하고 미국 달러로 표시)

(명시된 경우를 제외하고 $000)

31 월 XNUMX 일에 끝나는 XNUMX 개월




Oil and gas revenue net of royalties



다른 수입





생산 및 운영 비용



고갈 및 감가 상각



일반 및 관리 비용



공유 기반 보상



유형자산의 손상





금융 수입



금융 비용






주당 순손실

$ (0.00)

$ (0.29)


2021 년 XNUMX 분기

(Unaudited, expressed in Thousands of  United States dollars, except as noted)

Quarter Ending March 31,



로열티 전 석유 수익



Natural gas revenue before royalties



로열티 전 NGL 수익



Oil and Gas revenue before royalties



조정된 자금 흐름



자본 지출



통계 :

평균 석유 생산량(Bopd)



평균 천연가스 생산량(mcf/d)



평균 NGL 생산량(Boepd)



평균 생산량(Boepd)




$ 55.92

$ 44.88

평균 천연가스 가격($/mcf)



평균 NGL 가격($/bbl)



Average price per barrel

$ 45.48

$ 35.15

배럴당 로열티



배럴당 운영 비용



Netback from operations



상품 계약으로 인한 가격 조정(Boe)



상품 계약을 포함한 넷백(Boe)

$ 24.77

$ 24.10

The information outlined above is extracted from and should be read in conjunction with the Company’s unaudited financial statements for the three months ended 2021 년 3 월 31 일 관련 경영진의 토론 및 분석. 그 사본은 다음 회사 프로필에서 확인할 수 있습니다. www.sedar.com.

비 간극 측정

Netback per barrel, netback including commodity contracts, net operating income and adjusted funds flow (collectively, the “Company’s Non-GAAP Measures”) are not measures recognized under Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) and do not have any standardized meanings prescribed by GAAP. 

회사의 비GAAP 기준은 다음 회사 프로필에서 확인할 수 있는 경영진의 논의 및 분석을 통해 GAAP 기준에 설명되고 조정됩니다. www.sedar.com.

주의 사항

본 보도 자료 및 회사의 기타 공개 내용은 다음과 같습니다.


회사의 천연가스 생산량은 수천 입방피트(“Mcfs“). 회사는 또한 배럴(“블블스") 및 석유 환산 배럴("보에스") 천연가스 액체와 석유 생산 및 판매를 반영합니다. Boes는 특히 단독으로 사용되는 경우 오해의 소지가 있을 수 있습니다. 6 Mcf:1 Bbl의 Boe 변환 비율은 주로 버너 팁에 적용 가능한 에너지 등가 변환 방법을 기반으로 하며 유정의 값 등가를 나타내지 않습니다. 천연가스에 비해 원유의 현재 가격을 기준으로 한 가치 비율이 에너지 등가성 6:1과 크게 다르다는 점을 감안할 때, 6:1 기준으로 변환하는 것은 가치 표시로 오해를 불러일으킬 수 있습니다.


적립금으로 인한 미래 순수익의 할인된 순 현재 가치와 할인되지 않은 순 현재 가치는 공정한 시장 가치를 나타내지 않습니다.


가능한 매장량은 예상 매장량보다 회수 가능성이 덜한 추가 매장량입니다. 실제로 회수된 양이 증명된 매장량과 예상 매장량, 가능한 매장량의 합과 같거나 그 이상일 확률은 10%입니다.


회사는 피크 및 30일 초기 생산율과 기타 단기 생산율을 공개합니다. 독자들은 그러한 생산율이 본질적으로 예비적인 것이며 반드시 장기적인 성과나 궁극적인 회복을 나타내는 것은 아니라는 점에 주의해야 합니다.

미래 지향적 정보에 관한주의 사항

본 보도자료에는 제안된 시기와 회사의 생산을 포함한 탐색 및 개발 작업의 예상 결과에 관한 정보를 포함한 미래 예측 정보가 포함되어 있습니다. 티쇼 밍고 들, 오클라호마 acreage, projected adjusted funds flow, the Company’s reserves based loan facility, including scheduled repayments, expected hedging levels and the Company’s strategy and objectives. The use of any of the words “target”, “plans”, “anticipate”, “continue”, “estimate”, “expect”, “may”, “will”, “project”, “should”, “believe” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. 

Such forward-looking information is based on management’s expectations and assumptions, including that the Company’s geologic and reservoir models and analysis will be validated, that indications of early results are reasonably accurate predictors of the prospectiveness of the shale intervals, that previous exploration results are indicative of future results and success, that expected production from future wells can be achieved as modeled, that declines will match the modeling, that future well production rates will be improved over existing wells, that rates of return as modeled can be achieved, that recoveries are consistent with management’s expectations, that additional wells are actually drilled and completed, that design and performance improvements will reduce development time and expense and improve productivity, that discoveries will prove to be economic, that anticipated results and estimated costs will be consistent with management’s expectations, that all required permits and approvals and the necessary labor and equipment will be obtained, provided or available, as applicable, on terms that are acceptable to the Company, when required, that no unforeseen delays, unexpected geological or other effects, equipment failures, permitting delays or labor or contract disputes are encountered, that the development plans of the Company and its co-venturers will not change, that the demand for oil and gas will be sustained, that the Company will continue to be able to access sufficient capital through financings, credit facilities, farm-ins or other participation arrangements to maintain its projects, that the Company will continue in compliance with the covenants under its reserves-based loan facility and that the borrowing base will not be reduced, that funds will be available from the Company’s reserves based loan facility when required to fund planned operations, that the Company will not be adversely affected by changing government policies and regulations, social instability or other political, economic or diplomatic developments in the countries in which it operates and that global economic conditions will not deteriorate in a manner that has an adverse impact on the Company’s business and its ability to advance its business strategy.

Forward looking information involves significant known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to: the risk that any of the assumptions on which such forward looking information is based vary or prove to be invalid, including that the Company’s geologic and reservoir models or analysis are not validated, that anticipated results and estimated costs will not be consistent with management’s expectations, the risks associated with the oil and gas industry (e.g. operational risks in development, exploration and production; delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration and development projects or capital expenditures; the uncertainty of reserve and resource estimates and projections relating to production, costs and expenses, and health, safety and environmental risks including flooding and extended interruptions due to inclement or hazardous weather), the risk of commodity price and foreign exchange rate fluctuations, risks and uncertainties associated with securing the necessary regulatory approvals and financing to proceed with continued development of the Tishomingo Field, the risk that the Company or its subsidiaries is not able for any reason to obtain and provide the information necessary to secure required approvals or that required regulatory approvals are otherwise not available when required, that unexpected geological results are encountered, that completion techniques require further optimization, that production rates do not match the Company’s assumptions, that very low or no production rates are achieved, that the Company will cease to be in compliance with the covenants under its reserves-based loan facility and be required to repay outstanding amounts or that the borrowing base will be reduced pursuant to a borrowing base re-determination and the Company will be required to repay the resulting shortfall, that the Company is unable to access required capital, that funding is not available from the Company’s reserves based loan facility at the times or in the amounts required for planned operations, that occurrences such as those that are assumed will not occur, do in fact occur, and those conditions that are assumed will continue or improve, do not continue or improve and the other risks identified in the Company’s most recent Annual Information Form under the “Risk Factors” section, the Company’s most recent management’s discussion and analysis and the Company’s other public disclosure, available under the Company’s profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

회사는 실제 비용이나 결과가 실질적으로 달라질 수 있는 중요한 요소를 고려하려고 시도했지만 실제 결과가 예상, 추산 또는 의도와 다르게 되는 다른 요소가 있을 수 있습니다. 실제 결과가 정확할 것이라는 보장은 없으며 미래의 사건은 그러한 진술에서 예상한 것과 실질적으로 다를 수 있습니다. 본 보도 자료에 포함된 미래 예측 정보는 이 주의 사항에 의해 전체적으로 명시적으로 한정되었습니다. 따라서 독자들은 미래 지향적인 정보에 지나치게 의존해서는 안 됩니다. 회사는 해당 법률에서 요구하는 경우를 제외하고 이러한 미래 예측 진술을 업데이트할 의무가 없습니다.

Kolibri Global Energy Inc. 소개
KEI is an international energy company focused on finding and exploiting energy projects in oil, gas and clean and sustainable energy.  Through various subsidiaries, the Company owns and operates energy properties in 미국. The Company continues to utilize its technical and operational expertise to identify and acquire additional projects.  The common shares of the Company trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) under the symbol “KEI” and on the Over the Counter QB (“OTCQB”) under the symbol “KGEIF”.

출처 Kolibri Global Energy Inc.

관련 링크


코인 스마트. 유로파 최고의 비트 코인-보르 스
Source: https://www.prnewswire.com:443/news-releases/kolibri-global-energy-announces-first-quarter-2021-results-301286310.html


최신 인텔리전스


우리와 함께 채팅

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