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Injured at Work?: How to Find the Best Personal Injury Attorney


Injured at work? You aren’t alone. In fact, every 7 seconds an employee is injured on the job. 

This averages out to be 4.7 million injuries in a year’s time. As the number of employees continues to grow, the number of injuries is suspected to grow. 

The sad fact is that most injuries can be prevented. From sprains and strains to serious injuries, if an injury is caused by the negligence of another person, company or even a government agency, it may be time to work with a personal injury attorney

How to Find a Personal Injury Attorney

Finding a personal injury lawyer you can trust may seem like a daunting task. To help you with your search to find your perfect ally, we have pulled together some tips on finding an accident attorney. 

Ask Family and Friends for a Referral 

There are many injury attorneys who advertise. It may be difficult to know which ones are worth contacting for a consultation. Talk to the people you trust. 

Your family and friends may have worked with a personal injury attorney, know someone who has or knows a lawyer personally. You can learn from their experience and cut down on your search time. 

Call Lawyers You Are Interested in Working With 

In our digital age, you may be tempted to contact a lawyer through their website. However, if you call their office, you have a better chance of getting a feel for how they do business. 

It is more likely that you will hear back quicker via the phone rather than an online submission. 

Interview Personal Injury Lawyers

A law firm will typically offer a free consultation. This is a great chance to interview a personal injury lawyer. By asking the right questions, you can determine if that office is the one you want to be working with. Consider asking questions like:

  • Will you be the lawyer working on my case?
  • Have you tried or settled similar cases in (your city name)?
  • How many cases have you handled in the state of (your states name)?
  • What kinds of settlements have you obtained for past clients?
  • Are you involved with the local bar association?
  • How long do you anticipate this case to take?

Discuss payment with the lawyer. You will want to know expectations ahead of time prior to agreeing to work with a lawyer.

Talk to Past Clients

Talking with past clients will give you the opportunity to learn more about how a personal injury lawyer operates. A good lawyer will have no reservations about you speaking with past clients if you ask. 

Closing Your Case

Going through these steps will ensure that you find a great personal injury lawyer to close your case. As you begin your search for a “personal injury attorney near me”, don’t forget that you don’t have to work with every lawyer you speak with.

If you need a personal injury attorney, don’t hesitate! Begin contacting law firms today!

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