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How to Find the Right Blockchain Partners


This is a common question for young projects in the blockchain world. How and where can I find partners for collaboration? What do my customers want and what can I give them? Most people think that success will come only if you spend a large budget on advertising. And maybe it’s true.

Advertising experts will spend your money to tell everyone how cool your project is. And if you guess right with the product, then you are in luck and you will be happy.

The blockchain world has an alternative now. Revain’s free testimonial platform helps you find partners in a different way. You need to read the reviews on your project, which are written by experts and ordinary people, and just make the product truly convenient for the community.

Dozens of thousands of visitors read these reviews. Are these numbers already looking like good advertising?
Jelurida is a Swiss blockchain software development company, based in Lugano develops three important blockchain projects.

For these purposes, the team has created several of their own projects, assembled a team of experienced experts, and together they’re going to succeed.

But if you want to do something useful, it is not enough to collect geniuses under one roof. If you are actually doing the right project, then you definitely need to ask society different questions.

Do you like our project? What should we change? What to add? What do people generally think of our efforts?
You can gather a focus group and ask the community. You can ask friends or those who communicate with us. It’s easy to fall into the trap here. If your friends are like-minded people, then the answers to the questions are not necessarily relevant.

Jelurida has partners in different countries. Bulgaria, South Korea, Israel, etc. And to get feedback on its business and its products, Jelurida has partnered with the international independent review platform Revain. Educated and experienced experts from different countries write their opinions about companies. This advantage can now be enjoyed by Jelurida. Even if someone wants to know the Chinese market for themselves, please have Revain in Chinese at your service.

An interesting picture opens if you go to the Revain partner projects page: https://revain.org/about/partners. Strong and fast-growing projects such as KuCoin, Hyperion, Zilliqa, and others find it important to listen to the thoughts of the community and use them in development.

It can be concluded that new blockchain technologies are not as naive and young as some would like to think. Listening to your audience is important and demonstrates wisdom. This usually leads to success and increases the attractiveness of your project.

Source: Revain


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