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Grow Hydro? – A Complete Hydroponics Guide for Beginners


A Complete Hydroponics Guide for Beginners

hydroponics for marijuana guide

Hydroponics refers to the method of growing plants without placing them in the soil; this is why it is also known as the soilless method of growth. This method of growth can be used for several plants such as fruits, vegetables and herbs including marijuana. The plants that are grown using this method are usually placed in soilless mediums while utilizing the needed nutrients through a water mixture for their growth. This means that your plants will grow regardless of the medium they are placed as long as they have the required nutrients they need. By placing the plants in soilless mediums and only providing the needed nutrients in the water, you are eliminating the role of nature in their growth.

To grow plants hydroponically, all that is required is to place your plants in any of the available soilless mediums, add a mixture of nutrients and water to the plant and ensure the roots receive enough oxygen. Also, hydroponic growth is typically done indoors or in a greenhouse not outdoors to ensure that the grower can effectively control the grow environment. There are several grow mediums that can be used for the hydroponic growth method, they include Coco coir, Rockwool, perlite, expanded clay pellets (LECA), starter plugs, vermiculites, grow stones among others. They can usually be gotten in any gardening store around you.

The Pros and Cons of Adopting the Hydroponic Growth Method

Before anyone can engage in the hydroponic or soilless method of growth, it is important to get acquainted with the benefits and disadvantages of the method


The hydroponic system of growth is considered to have about 20-30% better growth rate than using the soil as they can fully concentrate on utilizing available nutrients rather than search for them first.

This method of growth helps reduce water usage as it consumes a lower water usage to the soil growth, thus helping to save water.

It allows you to grow your plants anywhere while eliminating the possibility of soil-related diseases and pests.


It is somewhat expensive initially as you need some essential equipment to get this grow method started.

It requires some prior knowledge and technical know-how on getting it running, monitoring and its effects on plant growth.

Any disruptions to power might affect the overall health of the plant.

Types of Hydroponic Systems

Before deciding to adopt the soilless system of growth, you need adequate knowledge about it especially the type which you would like to set up. This is because there are about six of these systems available with each having its pros and cons, therefore it is important to check through the available system to choose which you would prefer. These systems can be classified either passive or active based on how the nutrient mixture is gotten to the plant or as recovery or non-recovery based on if the nutrients will be reused or not.

The Wick System

This is a passive soilless system of growth that works by getting the nutrient solution to the plant by pumping it into the grow tray from the reservoir through the capillary system. It is usually referred to as the simplest type of hydroponic growth system.

Deep Water Culture (DWC)

This is an active type of soilless growth that adopts the use of a floating Styrofoam platform to hold a hanging net pot for the roots to be immersed in the nutrient solutions.

Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

 This system allows for the continuous flow of the nutrient solution to the roots of the plants on the grow tray without the need for a grow medium or timer. The nutrient solution will then flow back to the reservoir once it reaches the end of the channel as the tube is usually downward.

Ebb and Flow (Flood and Drain)

This method is done by periodically flooding the grow tray with nutrient solutions and letting it drain after some time. This is achieved through the use of a pump attached to the reservoir and a timer which enables it to get done at intervals.

Drip Systems

This method makes use of a system of drip lines set up to supply the nutrient solutions to the plant from the reservoir. An attached timer is used to get the nutrient solutions pumped to the drip lines.


This is possibly the most complex type of hydroponic grow method as it involves the hanging of the plants after which the roots are then consistently sprayed with the nutrient solutions from a pump. The pump is controlled by a timer and it does not require the use of a grow medium.

It is recommended that beginners should try as much as possible to stick to the simple types of soilless growth such as the wick system to learn more before moving to the complex ones.







Source: http://cannabis.net/blog/how-to/grow-hydro-a-complete-hydroponics-guide-for-beginners


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