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From Rookie to Master: how to become a legend in AI


In 2004, in his very first season with the Cavs, LeBron James was named the NBA Rookie of the Year. He soon established himself as one of the league’s premier players and, according to some, the greatest player of all time (even if I’ll always be partial to the stars of my day like Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan). Maybe Aussies now hope that Ben Simmons will soon follow in his footsteps.

No matter who you’re fan of, sports history is full of rookies who have gone on to become masters and even legends in their field.

We decided to refer to this well-known sport paradigm when we refined our Cogito® Training and Certification Program for Partners.

With this program, the goal is to prepare our business and technology partners to gain the best possible results from the Artificial Intelligence capabilities of Cogito®, to help identify best use cases for customers and to support them in correctly sizing and designing the right solution for a given scenario.

The first step of the program is a fully online, self-learning step that will introduce professionals to Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Analysis. Professionals that will go through this first step of training and complete the online test will be certified as Rookies. With this knowledge, Rookies will be able to compete with more experienced practitioners to be able to propose innovative solutions that deal with Natural Language Understanding, Natural Language Processing and the strategic role of unstructured information for intelligent automation, knowledge discovery and insight.

With more project implementation experience, Rookies will be ready to move to the Pro and Master certifications, which will require classroom training in order to become fully independent in the definition and implementation of projects based on Cogito technology.

Whether you’re looking to learn more about AI, add talent and new skills to your team or increase the capacity of your team to propose pioneering solutions based on state-of-the-art technologies, our new Training and Certification Program for Partners offers a trusted source to help close the knowledge gaps. In the meantime, we’ll continue to build out additional skill-building resources, refine our training and certifications and add new partners covering more countries and markets.

Who will be the next Rookie who will become an AI legend? Take the challenge and register for our Rookie Certification!

Maurizio Mencarini
VP Global Strategic Partnership, Expert System

Source: https://expertsystem.com/from-rookie-to-master-how-to-become-a-legend-in-ai/


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