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DNN Processing Unit (DPU) on Ultra96 Tutorial


For production depoyment, the the DNN Processing Unit (DPU) will typically be integrated into a larger application. To help devevpers perform this integration, we recently released a new tutorial.

This comprehensive tutorial walks users through the steps required to build a custom system using the Avnet Ultra96 board and the DPU TRD (Reference Design).

The design files can be downloaded from here.

The tutorial is available here:

A screenshot of the tutural page is shown below


This tutorial will help users better understand how to integrate the Xilinx DPU and build a custom embedded system using the Vivado/SDK development flow.

Source: https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/AI-and-Machine-Learning-Blog/DNN-Processing-Unit-DPU-on-Ultra96-Tutorial/ba-p/994385


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