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Hærens embedsmænd sætter spørgsmålstegn ved planen for fremtidig angrebsrekognoscering

DENVER — After canceling the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft program earlier this year, the U.S. Army has yet to earnestly invest in its manned...

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Hvorfor Kina nedlagde den strategiske støttestyrke og omrokade militæret

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand — Chinese President Xi Jinping instigated a significant restructuring of the People’s Liberation Army on April 19 by axing the Strategic...

Taiwan genopliver den civile ledelse af forsvaret

Three months following the conclusion of Taiwan’s election, the president-elect, Lai Ching-te, recently unveiled his Cabinet lineup. Of particular note is the forthcoming defense...

Rafale går i kroatisk tjeneste

26. april 2024...

USA giver $6 milliarder til at finansiere langsigtede våben til Ukraine, siger embedsmænd

(AP) — The U.S. is expected to announce Friday that it will provide about $6 billion in long-term military aid to Ukraine, U.S. officials...

Frankrig, Filippinerne begynder at forhandle gensidig adgangsaftale

France and the Philippines are set to being talks on a defense agreement that would allow troops from each country to hold exercises in...

Hæren går ind i konkurrencedygtige flydemoer til fremtidig taktisk drone

DENVER — The U.S. Army is moving its Future Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System competition into a flight demonstration phase with two teams, Griffon Aerospace...

Her er 4 måder at forsvare sig mod ubemandede landkøretøjer

Global militaries are increasingly building, deploying, and operating unmanned ground vehicles, or UGVs. Mykhalio Fedorov, Ukraine’s Vice Prime Minister for Innovations, wrote on Twitter...

Airbus flyver RACER højhastighedshelikopter

25. april 2024...

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