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Current-Temperature Scaling for a Schottky Interface with Nonparabolic Energy Dispersion


In this paper, we study the Schottky transport in a narrow-gap semiconductor and few-layer graphene in which the energy dispersions are highly nonparabolic. We propose that the contrasting current-temperature scaling relation of JT2 in the conventional Schottky interface and JT3 in graphene-based Schottky interface can be reconciled under Kane’s k·p nonparabolic band model for narrow-gap semiconductors. Our model suggests a more general form of J(T2+γkBT3), where the nonparabolicty parameter γ provides a smooth transition from T2 to T3 scaling. For few-layer graphene, we find that N-layer graphene with ABC stacking follows JT2/N+1, while ABA stacking follows a universal form of JT3 regardless of the number of layers. Intriguingly, the Richardson constant extracted from the Arrhenius plot using an incorrect scaling relation disagrees with the actual value by 2 orders of magnitude, suggesting that correct models must be used in order to extract important properties for many Schottky devices.

  • Received 7 June 2016


© 2016 American Physical Society

  1. Research Areas
  1. Physical Systems

Condensed Matter & Materials Physics

Source: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.6.034013


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