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Cleantech Nonprofit Earthshot Announces Official Podcast & Launch…


Today, Earthshot, a disruptive 501c3 non-profit inspiring climate change action, announces their podcast Earthshot Now in addition to the launch of a racing video game concept designed in collaboration with retired professional race car driver, Leilani Münter. These updates tie into the organization’s ultimate goal of creating a positive vision for a more sustainable future.

The Earthshot podcast will be available to stream everywhere you get podcasts. Each show is a conversation with a thought leader to talk about what they do and how they got there. In each show we include a Cleantech is Cool segment highlighting technologies that our guests can relate to. On each show the guest will put out a climate challenge and discuss what it means to them. The first batch of guests include novelist Johanna Stoberock and celebrity chef Ron Duprat.

“I’m thrilled to be able to launch our podcast. It was a pleasure speaking with all of our awesome guests, and I hope that the show will continue to reinforce our mission of making cleantech cool,” says co-founder of Earthshot, Mark Bernstein.

In addition to the podcast launch, Earthshot is announcing their second official video game concept, Carbon Race 2030. Carbon Race is being developed in collaboration with Leilani Münter who raced on the NASCAR and IndyCar circuits before retiring in 2019. Earthshot is committed to driving engagement through creating immersive gaming content, as Gen Z’ers prefer to ‘touch’ rather than see or listen, and over 65% of American adults have reported they engage with gaming experiences on a regular basis. More information on the game can be accessed via Earthshot’s website.

“I’m honored to promote sustainability and cleantech through Earthshot and Carbon Race 2030. The time for humanity to evolve is now. I look forward to accelerating that change with the launch of this game.” said Leilani Münter.

To learn more about the podcast, game or to donate please visit: https://www.earthshot.us


Earthshot, based out of Los Angeles, is a collaborative effort among many experienced practitioners in the fields of environment, energy, and gaming. Earthshot was founded in 2019 by Bob Wyman and Mark Bernstein, who have been working on cleantech projects together for over a decade. To learn more visit: https://www.earthshot.us

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Source: https://www.prweb.com/releases/cleantech_nonprofit_earthshot_announces_official_podcast_launch_of_racing_game_concept_with_leilani_munter/prweb18169753.htm


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