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10 Most Popular Cryptocurrency APIs


Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that use a digital ledger, or blockchain, to record financial transactions. There are several popular crypto-coins, including the most popular, Bitcoin, plus Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and ZCash, among others.

Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are used by developers to create crytpocurrency trading and data applications. And if the large number of APIs added to ProgrammableWeb Cryptocurrency category in the past few years proves anything, it is that digital cash is booming.

Developers wishing to learn more about this technology should definitely read our comprehensive Developer’s Guide To Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, and peruse the Cryptocurrency category for hundreds of APIs and other great resources.

In this article, we examine the ten most popular Cryptocurrency APIs based on page visits on the ProgrammableWeb website.

1. Binance API

Binance is bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange platform. The Binance APITrack this API returns financial data in JSON objects or arrays. Public endpoints include market data, accounts, and user streams. Developers can use the API to create currency exchange applications and services. A Binance Websocket API is also available.

2. Coinbase API

Coinbase is an electronic service and “wallet” for bitcoins and digital currency. Users can transfer currency, pay merchants, and make other payments instantly. The Coinbase APITrack this API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of Coinbase with other applications. Some example API methods include retrieving account information and balances, sending money, requesting money, and managing user information.

3. Upbit API

Upbit is a Korean cryptocurrency exchange that is partnered with Bittrex. The Upbit APITrack this API allows users to programmatically look up their assets, place orders, make deposits and withdrawals, and get quotes. The Upbit website is available in both Korean and English. API documentation is only available in Korean.

4.CryptoControl Crypto News API

CryptoControl is a cryptocurrency news aggregation service. CryptoControl’s Crypto News APITrack this API allows users to retrieve cryptocurrency articles from the news engine for professional or commercial use. CryptoControl goes through more than 5,000 articles daily from over 1000+ news sources, and a specialized AI is used to understand the context of each article and attribute coins and categories to each article.

CryptoControl provides a cryptocurrency news heat map and API

CryptoControl provides a cryptocurrency news heat map and API. Image: CryptoControl

5. Blockchain Create Wallet API

Blockchain is a service that provides information on bitcoins and blockchain data. Blockchain also allows users to manage their online Bitcoin currency with online wallets. The Blockchain Create Wallet APITrack this API allows for the creation of a blockchain.info bitcoin wallet with a pre-generated secret API key. Fetch balances and manage addresses with the API.

6. Alpha Vantage API

Alpha Vantage provides services for retrieving stocks, currency, cryptocurrency real-time and historical data. The Alpha Vantage APITrack this API allows developers to integrate financial market data for stocks, foreign exchange (FX), physical currencies and cryptocurrencies, technical indicators and other types of data into third-party applications.

7. Poloniex API

Poloniex is a cryptocurrency exchange based in the US. The Poloniex APITrack this API offers public, read-only API methods for getting tickers for all markets, the 24-hour volume for all markets, the order book for a given market, the past 200 trades for a given market, candlestick chart data, and currency information. The API allows users to get their balances, deposit addresses, deposit and withdrawal history, manage orders & withdrawals, and trade history.

8. Ripple Data API

Ripple was created to provide a free, open-source, payment service that exist without a central authority. It is open-source, almost free to use, an can pay out in an currency. The Ripple APITrack this API all
ows users to integrate the Ripple payment system and platform into third-party projects.


BitMEX (The Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange) is a cryptocurrency derivatives platform built by financial professionals. BitMEX employs multi-factor security and uses multi-signature wallets for all transactions. The BitMEX APITrack this API allows users to automate their BitMEX trading and account management functions. The platform is a safe place to hedge risk, since profits are never clawed back.

10. Bibox API

Bibox is a Chinese digital asset exchange marketplace. The Bibox APITrack this API provides a RESTful Access to the Bibox trading platform. Methods are available for contract trading, spot trading, transfer access, and credit training.

The ten popular APIs listed above are just the tip of the crypto-iceberg. Head on over to ProgrammableWeb‘s Cryptocurrency category for more resources, including more than 380 APIs, 940 SDKs, and 230 Source Code Samples.

Source: https://www.programmableweb.com/news/10-most-popular-cryptocurrency-apis/brief/2020/03/01


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