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Shaping the Future: Global Leaders to Convene at Intelligent Manufacturing Summit 2024 in Kuala Lumpur


International Leaders to Gather for Intelligent Manufacturing Summit 2024 in Kuala Lumpur
IoT Now News ampamp Reports
As technology rapidly reshapes industries the Intelligent Manufacturing Summit 2024 is set to be a significant event Taking place in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia this summit will bring together global leaders industry experts and innovators to discuss and influence the future of intelligent manufacturing

Importance of the Summit

The Intelligent Manufacturing Summit 2024 is happening at a crucial moment when industries worldwide are increasingly leveraging smart technologies to boost efficiency productivity and sustainability The summit039s goal is to create a forum for stakeholders to share ideas present innovations and establish partnerships that will propel the next phase of industrial transformation

Core Themes and Topics

The summit will address a range of essential topics in intelligent manufacturing such as

  1. Industrial Internet of Things IIoT Examining how connected devices and systems can enhance manufacturing processes
  2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Exploring AI and ML039s roles in predictive maintenance quality control and supply chain optimization
  3. Robotics and Automation Showcasing advancements in robotics that are transforming production lines
  4. Cybersecurity Emphasizing the need for strong cybersecurity measures in an increasingly connected industrial environment
  5. Sustainable Manufacturing Highlighting eco-friendly practices and technologies that minimize environmental impact

    Distinguished Speakers and Attendees

    The summit will feature keynote speeches from some of the industry039s most influential leaders Confirmed speakers include

  • Dr Lisa Su CEO of AMD discussing the future of semiconductor technology in manufacturing
  • Satya Nadella CEO of Microsoft offering insights on digital transformation and cloud computing in industrial contexts
  • Dr Klaus Schwab Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum speaking on the Fourth Industrial Revolution
    Alongside these prominent figures the summit will include panels and workshops led by experts from top companies such as Siemens General Electric and ABB

    Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

    A major highlight of the Intelligent Manufacturing Summit 2024 is the chance for networking and collaboration Participants will have access to

  • Exhibition Halls Displaying state-of-the-art technologies and solutions from leading companies
  • B2B Meetings Enabling direct interactions between potential business partners
  • Workshops and Training Sessions Providing hands-on experience with the latest tools and technologies

    The Significance of Kuala Lumpur

    Kuala Lumpur with its strategic location and strong infrastructure is an ideal venue for this global event The city is not only a business and innovation hub in Southeast Asia but also offers a rich cultural experience for international visitors The summit will be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre a modern facility that has hosted numerous high-profile events


    The Intelligent Manufacturing Summit 2024 in Kuala Lumpur is set to be a transformative event that will shape the future of manufacturing By bringing together global leaders and innovators the summit aims to encourage collaboration drive technological progress and promote sustainable practices in the industry As we approach a new industrial era this summit represents a vital step towards a smarter more efficient and more sustainable future
    For more details and to register for the event visit the official summit website
    IoT Now News ampamp Reports will continue to offer updates and in-depth coverage leading up to and during the summit Stay tuned for more insights into this groundbreaking event
    Source Link https//zephyrnetcom/global-leaders-to-attend-intelligent-manufacturing-kuala-lumpur-2024-summit-iot-now-news-reports/


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