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1. Publishing your Chatbot on Microsoft Teams

2. 🤖 How to talk to Computers: A Framework for building Conversational Agents — Part 1

3. Sentiment Analysis Voice Bot

4. Top 5 NLP Chatbot Platforms

imports the requests and datetime libraries (by pip command) for parsing the messages according to their time.

import requests
from datetime import time
from datetime import datetime

Making some functions in class name BotHandler which is updating your messages through a particular token/api_key and reply to the user.

class BotHandler:
def __init__(self, token):
self.token = token
self.api_url = "https://api.telegram.org/bot{}/".format(token)

#url = "https://api.telegram.org/bot<token>/"

def get_updates(self, offset=0, timeout=30):
method = 'getUpdates'
params = {'timeout': timeout, 'offset': offset}
resp = requests.get(self.api_url + method, params)
result_json = resp.json()['result']
return result_json

def send_message(self, chat_id, text):
params = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'text': text, 'parse_mode': 'HTML'}
method = 'sendMessage'
resp = requests.post(self.api_url + method, params)
return resp

def get_first_update(self):
get_result = self.get_updates()

if len(get_result) > 0:
last_update = get_result[0]
last_update = None

return last_update

👉Add your unique token generated from bot father using Telegram App and bot’s name.

magnito_bot = BotHandler(token) #Your bot's name

This is a main function which you tells your bot what should they get and reply to the user.

def main():
new_offset = 0
print('hi, now launching...')

while True:

if len(all_updates) > 0:
for current_update in all_updates:
first_update_id = current_update['update_id']
if 'text' not in current_update['message']:
first_chat_text = 'New member'
first_chat_text = current_update['message']['text']
first_chat_id = current_update['message']['chat']['id']
if 'first_name' in current_update['message']:
first_chat_name = current_update['message']['chat']['first_name']
elif 'new_chat_member' in current_update['message']:
first_chat_name = current_update['message']['new_chat_member']['username']
elif 'from' in current_update['message']:
first_chat_name = current_update['message']['from']['first_name']
first_chat_name = "unknown"

now = datetime.now()
time = now.strftime("%I:%H:%S %p")
tmp = time.split()[1]

if first_chat_text == 'Hi' or first_chat_text == 'Hii' or first_chat_text == 'Hello' :
if tmp == 'AM':
magnito_bot.send_message(first_chat_id, 'Good Morning ' + first_chat_name)
new_offset = first_update_id + 1
magnito_bot.send_message(first_chat_id, 'Good Evening ' + first_chat_name)
new_offset = first_update_id + 1

elif first_chat_text == 'How r u?' or first_chat_text == 'how r u?' or first_chat_text == 'How r u ?' :
magnito_bot.send_message(first_chat_id, 'Am fine and u? ' + first_chat_name + ' ?')
new_offset = first_update_id + 1

elif first_chat_text == 'what r u doing?' or first_chat_text == 'What r u doing?':
magnito_bot.send_message(first_chat_id, 'handling more updates and u?' + first_chat_name + '?')
new_offset = first_update_id + 1

elif first_chat_text == 'who r u?' or first_chat_text == 'Who r u ?':
magnito_bot.send_message(first_chat_id, 'am a bot ' + first_chat_name + ' what can i help u?')
new_offset = first_update_id + 1

elif first_chat_text == 'please shut up!' or first_chat_text == 'Please shut up!':
magnito_bot.send_message(first_chat_id, 'ok ' + first_chat_name + ' am going to sleep, take care yourself')
new_offset = first_update_id + 1

magnito_bot.send_message(first_chat_id, 'ok ')
new_offset = first_update_id + 1

After making all functions and invocations, run your bot in console if keyboard interrupts or any error in the function bot will exit.

if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Download the code from github

if you don’t know how to make your own Bot in telegram-tap here

Thank You🧡!

Source: https://chatbotslife.com/pythonbot-c6b319bee192?source=rss—-a49517e4c30b—4


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