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NFTNYC folks explain the future of NFTs in OpenSea Video




  • OpenSea shares a video of NFTNYC folks explaining the future of NFTs.
  • The video featured NFTNYC team members like Natasha Hoskins, Danny Greene, and more.
  • NFTNYC will be hosted in London this year from November 3 to 4.

OpenSea has posted a video on their Twitter with people from the leading annual NFT event, NFTNYC talking about what NFT means to each of them and what they anticipate the web30 future to hold.

NFT.NYC will host from November 3 to November 4 in London this year. Their last event that happened in New York hosted 20000+ attendees, industry leaders, speakers, and the best of web3.0 projects in the industry.

In the Twitter thread, OpenSea thanked Twitter users and NFTNYC team members including David, Natasha Hoskins, Danny Greene, Chris Okada, String, and Jeff Hood.

Captioned “NO MOM, they’re not just jpegs!” the videos show people describing their outlook on NFTs. David said that NFTs have endless utilities, from being used as home keys, diplomas, LinkedIn attachments & proof of work, NFTs will transform the entire world. 

Meanwhile, Natasha expressed that the future of NFTs is boundless. While they currently represent images, passes, and one aspect of a community, NFTs are broader than that by unlocking the future for digital goods online.

Danny Greene further added that NFTs reach their full potential when liquid in nature. From being the distribution channel for the film and entertainment industry to revolutionizing ticketing, as well as acting as collateral for loans, NFTs are digital receipts for all existing items that are part of every single industry.

In addition, Chris Odaka shared that NFTs bring utility, contracts, and an opportunity for cryptocurrency owners to acquire assets. From jpegs and videos to 3D models and physical objects, NFTs offer way more in the future than it does in the present.


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