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9 Safe Driving Tips That You Should Know to Avoid Accidents


Approximately 600,000 Americans travel over 50 miles daily. With such large numbers of travelers, accidents are inevitable. However, if every driver would play their part better while behind the wheel, all accidents are avoidable.

Even after implementing laws that govern drivers on the road, the number of accidents each year is rising. If every driver utilized these safe driving tips, the number would reduce significantly. 

Safe Driving Tips to Prevent Accidents

Every day hundreds of people lose their lives and others experience permanent injuries while on the road. This can be changed if people avoid mistakes when driving.

Here are a few safe driving tips to ensure you arrive at your destination.

Avoid Using Your Phone While Driving

One of the major reasons for most accidents is distracted driving. You can also find more info here on how to behave on the road, watch out for pedestrians, or what to do in case of an accident.

Even so, using your phone or other electronic devices will steal your concentration and increase your chances of causing an accident.

Phones and other devices can be extremely distracting. If you are not careful, they are likely to put you off balance and result in accidents.

If you cannot completely avoid using your phone, then stop your car at the roadside, respond to your messages or pick calls, and then drive off.

Don’t Drink and Drive

Alcohol and other substance use contribute nearly 28 % of traffic-related deaths. It’s easy to assume that one beer will not affect you that much. However, all it takes to impair your ability to react on time is one beer.

Therefore, if you must drink, then have a designated driver or use a cab. Additionally, if you are under certain medications, avoid driving especially it affects your attention span, discipline, or impulse control.

Driving while under the influence of substances reduces your impulse control significantly. Therefore, in case you need to stop quickly or maneuver, your brain will not send appropriate signals on time.

Observe the Speed Limit

There is no pressure of trying to keep up with traffic. Although your car can drive up to high speeds, it’s not always a must you reach those speed levels.

There is a reason for every speed limit you see on the road. Regardless of how skillful you are behind the wheel, speed limits are there to guide you. Observing speed limits also helps you to react accordingly and avoid emergency breaking.

When you drive at an appropriate speed, you get in control of the car. It’s also easy to maneuver the car while on the move without endangering your life and other road users.

Check Blind Spots Every Time

A blind spot is a place where you don’t have a clear view of the road. As a defensive driver, ensure you adjust your mirrors accordingly to know what is happening around your car.

Before pulling out from the parking lot or making a three-point-turn, be sure you have a clear vision. Additionally, always overtake from the appropriate side. Only overtake when the road is clear to overtake.

Also, avoid being on another person’s blind spot by ensuring you they can see your car.

Avoid Tailgating

Regardless of how slow traffic is moving, ensure to observe two seconds of following distance. The two-second rule helps you drive safely under heavy traffic. It minimizes the chances of risking your life and that of other road users.

To calculate these two seconds of following distance is quite easy. When you hit the brakes, it might take a few seconds to stop the car. This is because of the time it takes to think, react, and push the brakes.

Observing a good distance between you and the vehicle ahead prevents you from bumping into them.

Sleep Then Drive

Keeping your eyes open is the number one road requirement. Driving while you are tired is as bad as driving under drug or alcohol influence.

It’s not completely possible to control sleep. If the body is almost shutting down, find a safe place, park your car take a nap then drive.

If you are driving for a long distance, ensure to take regular breaks along the way to keep alert. Additionally, if possible find another person to help you drive and drive in intervals.

Service and Maintenance

Another tip for safe driving is ensuring that the accessories of your vehicle are in good working condition. Before starting your car, ensure your tires are properly inflated, the wipers are working, the brakes are working efficiently, etc.

Safe driving begins with ensuring your vehicle is fit to be on the road. In case of any mechanical issue, don’t assume and drive off. Take your car to the garage and ensure it is perfectly adjusted for the journey ahead.

Fasten Your Seat Belts

Wearing seat belts might not help you prevent an accident, but it will save your life. Fastening your seat belt while on the road is an easy way to keep yourself safe.

In case you are involved in a crash, your seat belt is likely to minimize the risks.

Be Aware of Aggressive Drivers

People come from different backgrounds. While on the road, everyone has their own expectations and rules. Instead of competing with aggressive drivers, give them the way.

Regardless of how right you are to use the road and maintain your distance, if another person gets in your ways, be the cool person. Defensive driving is not always about how right you are but rather how fast you can react to incidence.

If a driver is over speeding behind you, simply slow down and let them pass. The quicker you can do this, the safer you will be. Additionally, avoiding competition with other road users increases your chances of arriving safely.

Putting These Safe Driving Tips in Action Is Your Responsibility

Every time you are on the road, ensure you are alert to what is happening around and maintain these safe driving tips. Also, if it’s possible, ensure you avoid driving at night or through harsh weather conditions. Harsh conditions create more blind spots and increase the risks of getting into an accident.

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