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5 Most Unique Casinos In The World


As much as gambling brings one of the biggest pleasures of life to people, for some there can be nothing better than a real casino experience. The ambiance, glamour, machines beeping left and right, and the opportunity to connect with people from all walks of life there is nothing close to that. There are also some people who are fascinated with the idea of exploring different casinos all over the world. It makes sense because each one has something specific to offer based on their region.

If you are someone who likes to travel, this can add a lot of pleasure to your journey. This is why today we are going to talk about the five most unique casinos around the world that you should definitely visit once. Go through the whole article to learn where they are and what makes these casinos so unique.

The Ice Casino

This casino is exactly what its name entails. A casino made of ice. Yes, completely made of ice. Every single thing you can see and touch. This not only includes chips, coins, and dice but also the ceilings of the casino, walls, and everything else. The only reason it works is that it is smack bam in the vast glacial expanse of the arctic region where the temperature reaches about -5° even inside. However, what it means is that every summer the place simply evaporates. So at the start of every winter season, before the casino starts they have to build it up from the scratch again. If you are visiting Sweden and have seen enough of the northern light, this place might be a good idea to take look around.

The Venetian Hotel

The epitome of luxury, The Venetian Hotel in China captures seventh place among the largest concrete specimens in the world. Inspired by the resort of its identical name, it brings a miniature Venice to Macau. The size of the place is astounding at about 550,000 sq ft consisting of only the gaming space. The number of rooms is over an astonishing 3000. Extravagant to the max, this miniature Venice has not only the architecture model of the European haven but also small canals separating the main four gaming spaces. If you are looking for the experience of a lifetime this place should definitely be on your list.

Jet Lounge

An air casino up a thousand feet high is something that people could never even think about until a French company brought it to reality. A midflight Boeing 777, offers you exactly that thanks to Airjet Designs of France. Visiting a small gambling house built into the front of the plane consisting of table games can be a story to tell throughout your lifetime during parties. You can also boast about the in-flight bar specials and the conversations you had with striking strangers in the small talk lounge of said plane. Sound like a dream? Then you should definitely check this place out as it is completely admissible to anyone willing to bet about £30,000 minimum.

Bally’s Resort and Casino

Interested in the paranormal? Then this place in the heart of Las Vegas is definitely for you. After opening in ’73, the place suffered an enormous tragedy when a massive fire broke out at the resort’s Deli in ’80. Due to poor safety measures, about 650 were injured and about 87 were reported dead. The place was sold after that, but when it reopened under a new owner strange incidents started happening according to the visitors. It is said that this place is haunted by a lot of spirits to this day. From the smell of a rod smoking in hallways, a strange woman playing slots and evaporating in fire and smoke to a child running covered in flames looking for its parents, this place has reports of it all. For a real-life “The Shining” experience there is no better place out there.

Sun City Resort

This exotic place outside of Johannesburg, South Africa offers three types of games in the house. Other than that, you can also participate in golf tournaments and other activities. However, what makes it so exotic is that it is situated right beside the Pilanesberg Reserve. What this entails is that the visitors get a chance of witnessing African animals from the resort and casino windows. The place even offers safari to the reserve for those who are interested.


As we mentioned before for some people nothing can beat the real casino feeling. However, if those casinos were anything like these then that would possibly make you the luckiest person in the world. So put these on the list of your next trip, and gather the experience of a lifetime.

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