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5 Most Important Types of Doctors You May See in Your Lifetime


In the last year, over 85.1% of adult Americans had some type of contact with a healthcare professional. What types of doctors those people saw, though, could be anywhere between a physician for an annual check-up, to a specialist for a specific issue or ailment.

There are 10 to 15 million doctors in the world today.

Some of these doctors specialize in a certain area, and some you may never see in your lifetime. However, there are doctors that you should see, regardless of your health status.

Here are the five most important doctors, what they specialize in, and why you should be sure to pay them a visit sooner rather than later.

1. ENT (Ears, Nose and Throat) Doctor

An ENT doctor treats anyone who has issues with their hearing, balancing, ringing in their ears, sinus infections, colds, and the flu. Anywhere between 5 and 20% of Americans get the flu each year and each of those people will probably see an ENT at some point.

ENTs treat chronic conditions, such as a hearing impairments. They might also perform different surgical procedures, too, if necessary. An ENT is considered a specialist for many insurance companies, so he or she would be referred by your primary care physician.

2. Emergency Medicine Specialists

These types of doctors are the ones you see in life-or-death situations or emergencies. They make decisions for injured people, save lives, and can be considered an accident doctor, as they help often with accidents and other serious moments. 

3. Neurologists

Neurologists are types of doctors that deal with the human brain and any issues surrounding it. They help patients with Parkinson’s and Dementia. They also deal with anything related to the brain stem and its functions, as well as the nervous system.

If you experience a stroke, or if you have impairments related to walking/motor function, seizures, migraine headaches, etc. it’s important to pay this doctor a visit.

4. Obstetrician

Particularly for women, an obstetrician is someone who works in gynecology, specific to the care of newborns (neonatal care) and childbirth. These doctors also deal with all aspects of women’s reproductive health, including any surgeries (like C-sections, hysterectomies, etc.).

5. Physical Therapist

Physical therapists are types of doctors that deal with anything related to mobility, reducing pain, restoring normal body functions and movements, and rehabilitation.

A physical therapist might be someone who assists after an accident or serious injury. He or she will also help create a system of recovery to get you back to a normal range of motion.

These doctors are ones you may see routinely as opposed to a regular basis, but they are critical to see in your lifetime, especially if you’ve experienced a serious accident or surgery and need help getting your life back.

Finding the Right Types of Doctors

Finding the right doctor for you and knowing what types of doctors you need to see for different sicknesses or injuries is as simple as discussing your options with a primary care physician, getting a referral, or even talking to your insurance company or online health specialist.

Once you narrow down the doctor you need, making sure that you routinely check in with this doctor is important to keep yourself healthy.

For more information about doctors and what types of doctors are right for you, be sure to check out our website.

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