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15 summer wines to know this season, according to sommeliers and wine experts


  • With summer fast approaching, the time has come to ramp up your wine repertoire. 
  • Billy Smith, a sommelier and assistant wine director at a Michelin-starred restaurant in New York, recommends a combination of bubbly options, chilled rosés, and even light red wines during the warmer months.
  • Smith also suggests expanding into the “orange” wine category, which refers to grape skin-fermented white wines, that can offer a more flavorful, fruity punch. 
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

Summer is firmly in our sights, and with that comes so many things we love: picnics, beachfront dining, and plenty of time spent on patios.

What do all three have in common? Hopefully the right summer wine. 

Now is that time of year when we are reaching for a light, crisp, fruit-forward glass of something cold. It is the season of rosé and rooftops, after all. Of course, in addition to the classic bubbles, minerally whites, and pale rosés, there is still a whole world of chillable reds, and a few other surprises, waiting to be uncorked. 

“Chilled, light reds with a low ABV come about as close to adult fruit juice as you’ll ever get,” said Billy Smith, sommelier and assistant wine director at Michelin-starred The Four Horsemen restaurant in Brooklyn. He also manages rider-wine lists for bands on tour, develops cellars for private clients, and has made a habit of drinking heavily with French wine makers in very large caves. Essentially, he’s sipping the dream. 

“Sparkling ‘pét nat’ wines are a good swap in for the Prosecco/juice combo of yesteryear. Tart and energetic whites made from esoteric grape varieties can replace your Chablis and Sancerre,” Smith said. “And if you haven’t done so yet, say hello to ‘orange’ wines.”

A note on ‘Somm Speak’: Pét nat, short of Pétillant Naturel, is often referred to as the “soda pop” of wine, said Smith. “They are often unfiltered, cloudy, and can have pretty unusual flavor profiles. “Orange” wine is a catch-all name for skin-fermented white wines. If you crush white wine grapes and allow the juice to ferment with the skins, the resulting wine can have a color that ranges from amber to pink.

With all of that out of the way, we know you’re probably poised and waiting to pour, so we’ll get right to it. When the weather warms up and the glasses are chilled, which summer wines are experts whispering about? Here’s the word through the grapevine.

Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/summer-wines-best-wines-to-know-sommeliers-2020-6


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