
Mistral 7B-V0.2:以擁抱方式微調 Mistral 的新開源 LLM – KDnuggets


Mistral 7B-V0.2:以擁抱方式微調 Mistral 的新開源 LLM

全球領先的人工智慧研究公司之一 Mistral AI 最近發布了 米斯特拉爾 7B v0.2

這種開源語言模型在 23 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日該公司的黑客馬拉鬆活動期間揭曉。 

Mistral 7B 模型擁有 7.3 億個參數,使其功能極為強大。它們在幾乎所有基準測試中都優於 Llama 2 13B 和 Llama 1 34B。最新的 V0.2 模型引入了 32k 上下文視窗以及其他改進,增強了其處理和生成文字的能力。 


在本教程中,我將向您展示如何在 Hugging Face 上存取和微調此語言模式。

我們將使用 Hugging Face 的 AutoTrain 功能對 Mistral 7B-v0.2 基礎模型進行微調。

擁抱臉 以實現機器學習模型的民主化而聞名,使日常用戶能夠開發先進的人工智慧解決方案。

AutoTrain 是 Hugging Face 的功能,可自動執行模型訓練流程,使其易於存取且高效。


以下是微調 Mistral-5B 模型的 7 個步驟:


您必須先建立 Hugging Face 帳戶,然後建立模型儲存庫。

要實現此目的,只需按照本中提供的步驟操作即可 鏈接 然後回到本教學。

我們將用 Python 訓練模型。在選擇筆記本環境進行培訓時,您可以使用 Kaggle 筆記本 or 谷歌合作實驗室,兩者都提供對 GPU 的免費存取。

如果訓練過程花費的時間太長,您可能需要切換到 AWS Sagemaker 或 Azure ML 等雲端平台。 

最後,在開始按照本教學進行編碼之前,請執行以下 pip 安裝:

!pip install -U autotrain-advanced
!pip install datasets transformers

2. 準備資料集

在本教程中,我們將使用 羊駝資料集 在擁抱臉上,看起來像這樣:


Mistral 7B-V0.2:以擁抱方式微調 Mistral 的新開源 LLM



import pandas as pd
from datasets import load_dataset

# Load and preprocess dataset
def preprocess_dataset(dataset_name, split_ratio='train[:10%]', input_col='input', output_col='output'):
   dataset = load_dataset(dataset_name, split=split_ratio)
   df = pd.DataFrame(dataset)
   chat_df = df[df[input_col] == ''].reset_index(drop=True)
   return chat_df

# Formatting according to AutoTrain requirements
def format_interaction(row):
   formatted_text = f"[Begin] {row['instruction']} [End] {row['output']} [Close]"
   return formatted_text

# Process and save the dataset
if __name__ == "__main__":
   dataset_name = "tatsu-lab/alpaca"
   processed_data = preprocess_dataset(dataset_name)
   processed_data['formatted_text'] = processed_data.apply(format_interaction, axis=1)
   save_path = 'formatted_data/training_dataset'
   os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True)
   file_path = os.path.join(save_path, 'formatted_train.csv')
   processed_data[['formatted_text']].to_csv(file_path, index=False)
   print("Dataset formatted and saved.")

第一個函數將使用「datasets」庫載入 Alpaca 資料集並清理它以確保我們不包含任何空指令。第二個函數以 AutoTrain 可以理解的格式建構資料。 


3. 設定訓練環境



project_name = 'mistralai'
model_name = 'alpindale/Mistral-7B-v0.2-hf'
push_to_hub = True
hf_token = 'your_token_here'
repo_id = 'your_repo_here.'


  • 您可以指定任何 項目名。這是您所有項目和培訓文件將儲存的位置。
  • 型號名稱 參數是您想要微調的模型。在本例中,我指定了一個路徑 Mistral-7B v0.2 基礎模型 在擁抱的臉上。
  • hf_token 變數必須設定為您的 Hugging Face 令牌,可以透過導航到取得該令牌 此鏈接.
  • 您與伴侶的 倉庫 ID 必須設定為您在本教程第一步中建立的 Hugging Face 模型儲存庫。例如,我的儲存庫 ID 是 娜塔莎S/模型2。

4. 配置模型參數




use_fp16 = True
use_peft = True
use_int4 = True
learning_rate = 1e-4
num_epochs = 3
batch_size = 4 
block_size = 512 
warmup_ratio = 0.05
weight_decay = 0.005
lora_r = 8
lora_alpha = 16
lora_dropout = 0.01



此步驟確保 AutoTrain 功能使用所需的設定來微調模型,例如我們的項目名稱和訓練首選項:

os.environ["PROJECT_NAME"] = project_name
os.environ["MODEL_NAME"] = model_name
os.environ["LEARNING_RATE"] = str(learning_rate)
os.environ["NUM_EPOCHS"] = str(num_epochs)
os.environ["BATCH_SIZE"] = str(batch_size)
os.environ["BLOCK_SIZE"] = str(block_size)
os.environ["WARMUP_RATIO"] = str(warmup_ratio)
os.environ["WEIGHT_DECAY"] = str(weight_decay)
os.environ["USE_FP16"] = str(use_fp16)
os.environ["LORA_R"] = str(lora_r)
os.environ["LORA_ALPHA"] = str(lora_alpha)
os.environ["LORA_DROPOUT"] = str(lora_dropout)

6. 啟動模型訓練

最後,讓我們開始使用以下方法來訓練模型 自動訓練 命令。此步驟涉及指定模型、資料集和訓練配置,如下所示:

!autotrain llm 
 --model "${MODEL_NAME}" 
 --project-name "${PROJECT_NAME}" 
 --data-path "formatted_data/training_dataset/" 
 --text-column "formatted_text" 
 --lr "${LEARNING_RATE}" 
 --batch-size "${BATCH_SIZE}" 
 --epochs "${NUM_EPOCHS}" 
 --block-size "${BLOCK_SIZE}" 
 --warmup-ratio "${WARMUP_RATIO}" 
 --lora-r "${LORA_R}" 
 --lora-alpha "${LORA_ALPHA}" 
 --lora-dropout "${LORA_DROPOUT}" 
 --weight-decay "${WEIGHT_DECAY}" 
 $( [[ "$USE_FP16" == "True" ]] && echo "--mixed-precision fp16" ) 
 $( [[ "$USE_PEFT" == "True" ]] && echo "--use-peft" ) 
 $( [[ "$USE_INT4" == "True" ]] && echo "--quantization int4" ) 
 $( [[ "$PUSH_TO_HUB" == "True" ]] && echo "--push-to-hub --token ${HF_TOKEN} --repo-id ${REPO_ID}" )

確保更改 數據路徑 到您的訓練資料集所在的位置。

7. 評估模型


就我而言,該資料夾的標題是“米斯特拉萊” 如下圖所示:


Mistral 7B-V0.2:以擁抱方式微調 Mistral 的新開源 LLM


現在讓我們檢查這個經過微調的模型是否能夠準確地回應資料集中的問題。為此,我們首先需要執行以下程式碼行,從資料集中產生 5 個樣本輸入和輸出:

# Print out 5 sample inputs and outputs from our dataset
for i, example in enumerate(dataset):
   if i >= 5: 
   print(f"Instruction: {example['instruction']}")
   print(f"Output: {example['output']}n---")

您應該會看到如下所示的回應,其中顯示 5 個範例資料點:

Instruction: Give three tips for staying healthy.
Output: 1.Eat a balanced diet and make sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables.
2. Exercise regularly to keep your body active and strong.
3. Get enough sleep and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
Instruction: What are the three primary colors?
Output: The three primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.
Instruction: Describe the structure of an atom.
Output: An atom is made up of a nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons that travel in orbits around the nucleus. The protons and neutrons have a positive charge, while the electrons have a negative charge, resulting in an overall neutral atom. The number of each particle determines the atomic number and the type of atom.
Instruction: How can we reduce air pollution?
Output: There are a number of ways to reduce air pollution, such as shifting to renewable energy sources, encouraging the use of public transportation, prohibiting the burning of fossil fuels, implementing policies to reduce emissions from industrial sources, and implementing vehicle emissions standards. Additionally, individuals can do their part to reduce air pollution by reducing car use, avoiding burning materials such as wood, and changing to energy efficient appliances.
Instruction: Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.
Output: I had to make a difficult decision when I was working as a project manager at a construction company. I was in charge of a project that needed to be completed by a certain date in order to meet the client's expectations. However, due to unexpected delays, we were not able to meet the deadline and so I had to make a difficult decision. I decided to extend the deadline, but I had to stretch the team's resources even further and increase the budget. Although it was a risky decision, I ultimately decided to go ahead with it to ensure that the project was completed on time and that the client's expectations were met. The project was eventually successfully completed and this was seen as a testament to my leadership and decision-making abilities.


# Function to provide an instruction
def ask(model, tokenizer, question, max_length=128):
   inputs = tokenizer.encode(question, return_tensors='pt')
   outputs = model.generate(inputs, max_length=max_length, num_return_sequences=1)
   answer = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
   return answer


question = "Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision."
answer = ask(model, tokenizer, question)


Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.

What did you do? How did it turn out?

[/INST] I remember a time when I had to make a difficult decision about
my career. I had been working in the same job for several years and had
grown tired of it. I knew that I needed to make a change, but I was unsure of what to do. I weighed my options carefully and eventually decided to take a leap of faith and start my own business. It was a risky move, but it paid off in the end. I am now the owner of a successful business and



您已經成功地微調了最先進的語言模型,利用了 Mistral 7B v-0.2 的強大功能以及 Hugging Face 的功能。


下一步,我建議嘗試不同的資料集或調整某些訓練參數以優化模型效能。大規模微調模型將增強其實用性,因此請嘗試更大的資料集或不同的格式,例如 PDF 和文字檔案。


娜塔莎·塞爾瓦拉吉 是一位自學成才的資料科學家,對寫作充滿熱情。 Natassha 撰寫與資料科學相關的所有內容,是所有資料主題的真正大師。您可以透過以下方式與她聯繫 LinkedIn 或看看她 YouTube頻道.


