
自动宠物喂食器 #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


通过 gilian13 on instructables

Hi, my name is Gilian, I study at Howest Kortrijk Belgium and I’m a student MCT as a finale assignment I had to make a IOT-device.

I have a dog at home that get’s fed 2 times a day at a specifiek time also the amount of food is precies so twice a day we weigh 56 grams of food and feed him. So i made a device that automates this proces and it’s called PetFeeder. On the website you can add various schedules by choosing a time and specify the weight of food you want to dispence. If you don’t want to wait to the next feeding time on the home page is a button that dispences the food immediately.


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Source: https://blog.adafruit.com/2020/07/03/auto-petfeeder-piday-raspberrypi-raspberry_pi/





你好呀! 我怎么帮你?