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AGDQ 2022, 3.4 milyon doları aşan bağışlarla önceki rekorları kırdı


Last week, the latest Awesome Games Done Quick speedrunning charity marathon took place, and it predictably çıktı büyük bir başarı. With only a few exceptions, each AGDQ event has raised more money than the last, and AGDQ 2022 Online managed to continue that tradition. By the time AGDQ 2022 came to a close, the event successfully accrued a whopping $3.4 million in donations and then some. That’s a new record not just for AGDQ, but Oyunlar Hızlı Bitti bir bütün olarak.

Bir basın açıklamasına göre, 2022 Ocak-9 Ocak tarihleri ​​arasında Twitch'te canlı olarak yayınlanan AGDQ 16, "kuruluşun COVID-19 salgını sırasında yalnızca çevrimiçi etkinliklerle bağış toplamaya güvenli bir şekilde devam etme taahhüdünü sürdürüyor." Ve önceki çevrimiçi etkinliklerde olduğu gibi, "AGDQ 2022, izleyicilerin hızlanan etkinlikten beklediği aynı tür heyecanı ve topluluk ruhunu sürdürdü."

Birden fazla hesapta yeni bir rekor

Alongside the record donation total, AGDQ 2022 achieved another milestone in that it “reached the first $1 million in donations in the shortest amount of time in GDQ history.” Additionally, the event saw three world-record speedrunning times across three separate games, a remarkably impressive feat considering the amount of pressure that such an event can produce. One such time included InsertLogic’s run of the popular indie game Kena: Ruhlar Köprüsü, which clocked in at 28 minutes and 35 seconds. The other two world records included the 44:18 time achieved by Jaxler in Balkabağı Jack, and the 17:21 time earned in Shadowthepast’s koşmak Perdeli.

All in all, the staggeringly high donations achieved by ADGQ 2022 prove that the event’s staying power and ability to inspire charity will not fade away anytime soon. Just like its previous AGDQ events, the Games Done Quick organization will send all of its donations to the Prevent Cancer Foundation. For those who can’t get enough of GDQ marathons, and want to contribute further to a great cause, they can look forward to the next all-women speedrunning marathon Frost Fatales, which will occur from February 27 to March 5.

Kaynak: https://www.pcinvasion.com/agdq-2022-breaks-records-million-donations/


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