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Time Management Tips and Tricks for College Students During the Pandemic


Many college students struggle with time management, especially during their freshman year. As the world emerges from the devastating effects of the pandemic and some semblance of normalcy starts to return, students have to work on their skills. Even before the crisis, students were already struggling to keep up with the increasing responsibilities.

Assignments and part-time work make life frustrating, and only the most organized students can thrive. With evidence showing that 40 percent of students aged 16–29 while in college, there is a need for creative intervention.  This article offers insights from professionals on how to manage your limited time on campus.

  • Evaluate Your Habits and Set Goals

With so much happening in college, it is easy to get sidetracked from your studies. If you find it hard to manage your responsibilities, it may be time to start evaluating how you spend your time. Although we all have the same 24 hours each day, there is a stark difference in the responsibilities and commitments that eat into our focus.

As a college student, keeping a time log allows you to break down and analyze the various ways you utilize your time. You can pause after every hour to assess how long you take to complete activities. Do this for about five days to identify and eliminate time wasters.

When evaluating your time management habits, pay attention to things that take your attention from important tasks. Are you spending more time than ideal on social media platforms? Or do you find yourself spending much of your day texting on the phone? Whatever the distraction, set clear goals to eliminate the behavior and improve how efficiently you use time. If the deadline for your project seems too close, consider hiring a professional essay writing service.

  • Prioritize Tasks and Create a To-Do List

Another essential habit to consider when working on your time management skills in college is planning. You need to have a rough idea of how your days will go, even if you don’t plan every minute.

Identify the tasks you are expected to complete, and prioritize activities based on their urgency and importance. For instance, assignments with a shorter deadline should come higher in your priority list than those with more extended time. Once you have identified what to do, allocate time for it according to the level of complexity.

  • Break Large Tasks into Smaller Portions

One of the challenges that students face when working on tasks is procrastination. This mostly happens when one assumes that there is enough time to complete projects or when large tasks appear intimidating. One way to avoid procrastinating getting started on large tasks is by breaking them down into more manageable bits.

More straightforward and easy-to-do tasks will get you in the mood for more complex jobs. Don’t postpone what you can get started on right away. Note that you can always get writing support from professional assignment sites like GradeMiners.

  • Avoid Multitasking

One of the best insights you can ever get when it comes to managing your time in college is to avoid focusing on multiple tasks simultaneously. A recent study shows that students who multitask report a significant decline in their cognitive function. Also, doing more than one thing at a time lowers your concentration and can diminish the quality of your output. Whatever happens, don’t start working on a task until you have completed the one you were working on.

  • Create and Follow a Routine

Another vital idea to help you manage your time is scheduling and following a routine. Having a set routine is particularly important now that there is much uncertainty due to the pandemic. You may need to create a habit of going to bed and waking up around the same time each night.

Note that this is also good for your circadian rhythm. Also, create predictable study hours and choose a free space from distractions for your academic work. If you need assignment help, read this article titled The Tricky Art of Choosing the Best Assignment Writing Service.

  • Make Healthy Use of Breaks

When planning how to make use of your time, you need to schedule breaks. Resting periods allow your brain to rejuvenate. You also get the energy you need for other tasks. When you decide to take breaks from your busy program, it is important not to feel guilty.

In any case, evidence shows that removing yourself from work or studying for a while can help your health and knowledge retention. According to research, regular periods of rest improve memory, besides serving as energy boosts. Resting also reduces stress and improves your overall creativity and performance.

This article summarizes a few tips for college students on how to manage time. Although your schedule may be hectic, it is essential to remain organized and take regular breaks to rest. Most importantly, learn when to ask for assistance.


Haiden Malecot is one of our all-time Grademiners who’s been with the company since it was founded in 2004. Working with a great variety of subjects, topics, and paper types, Haiden adopts a yes-can-do attitude helping put a finger on any, even the most difficult, assignments. As one of our most demanded writers, Haiden knows no shortage of new orders but still takes time to help everyone A to Z.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence


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