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The Carbon Literacy Project: A Look at CL for Rural Estates and the Duchy Story


The Carbon Literacy Project is a unique initiative that aims to educate individuals and organizations about the impact of carbon emissions on the environment and how to reduce them. The project was launched in 2011 by the Manchester-based charity, Cooler Projects Ltd, and has since gained widespread recognition for its innovative approach to sustainability education.

One of the key areas of focus for the Carbon Literacy Project is rural estates, which are often overlooked in discussions about carbon emissions. These estates, which are typically owned by wealthy individuals or families, can have a significant impact on the environment due to their size and the activities that take place on them.

To address this issue, the Carbon Literacy Project has developed a specific program for rural estates, which is designed to help owners and managers understand their carbon footprint and take steps to reduce it. The program covers a range of topics, including energy efficiency, waste management, sustainable agriculture, and transport.

One organization that has embraced the Carbon Literacy Project for rural estates is the Duchy of Cornwall. The Duchy is a private estate owned by Prince Charles, which covers over 130,000 acres of land across the UK. The estate includes farms, forests, and residential properties, and is managed with a strong focus on sustainability.

The Duchy has been working with the Carbon Literacy Project since 2017 to develop a bespoke training program for its staff and tenants. The program covers a range of topics, including energy efficiency, waste reduction, sustainable land management, and biodiversity conservation.

One of the key benefits of the Carbon Literacy Project for rural estates is that it provides a framework for measuring and reducing carbon emissions. This is particularly important for large estates like the Duchy of Cornwall, which have a significant impact on the environment.

By working with the Carbon Literacy Project, rural estates can also benefit from access to expertise and resources that may not be available in-house. This can include advice on renewable energy technologies, waste management systems, and sustainable land management practices.

Overall, the Carbon Literacy Project is an important initiative that is helping to raise awareness about the impact of carbon emissions on the environment. By providing education and support to rural estates, the project is helping to drive positive change and promote sustainability in these often-overlooked areas. The Duchy of Cornwall is just one example of how the project can be applied in practice, and it is likely that more estates will follow suit in the years to come.


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