During a celebratory Hobbit Day Showcase earlier today, Private Division and Weta Workshop announced the release date for their upcoming Hobbit-themed life sim, Tales...
We’re living in the middle of a bounty of Middle-earth media. Last year’s wretched Gollum game, 2026’s apparent Gollum duology, The Rings of Power’s...
A highly anticipated action-adventure game from Yellow Brick Games, Eternal Strands is gearing up for this year’s Tokyo Game Show with a public playable...
Who said that text-based gaming was dead? Home Safety Hotline starts having conversations with Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch players today, delivering a hit...
Daedalic Entertainment and One-O-One Games revealed the PS4 indie game The Suicide of Rachel Foster is coming to PS5. Taking advantage of current gen...
Almost everyone's experience in the Dragon Age games varies depending upon the choices they make while playing them. And according to BioWare, the team...