Tag: soil

Commodifying and financializing nature

The rush continues to commodify soil carbon or other "ecosystem services" and trade these on some kind of markets. USDA is paving the way...

Is Cloud9 vs. FaZe Clan Still The Biggest Upset In CS:GO Major History

Cloud9 left a lasting impression after an improbable upset over FaZe Clan at the ELeague Major, but was their CS:GO final the biggest upset in major history?

The HempFlax Company Story: European Leaders in Hemp Solutions

HempFlax was founded by Ben Dronkers in 1993, ushering in a new era of European hemp cultivation. From humble beginnings in the Netherlands, HempFlax now has farms in Germany and Romania, too. The company plays a major role in European hemp industry, and is the sole cultivator of hemp for Sensi Seeds’ CBD and hemp products.

The post The HempFlax Company Story: European Leaders in Hemp Solutions appeared first on Sensi Seeds.

How to Know If You Have the Best Soil for Cannabis?

Using the right soil is crucial in growing healthy cannabis plants. After all, it is where your plants get their nutrients from. But choosing the best soil for cannabis can be pretty overwhelming, especially if you’re a beginner. There are just so many different types to choose from – from branded soil mixes to potting [...]

The post How to Know If You Have the Best Soil for Cannabis? appeared first on Cannabis Tutorials.

Enabling good questions

In discussions of regenerative agriculture, soil health, and climate change, it's common to encounter these kinds of questions: What's the best way to measure carbon...

How To Make Glass In Astroneer. Guide and Advice

When it comes to resources, Astroneer has more than its fair share. Combined with the scope of the game, being able to travel between...


Complexity is a challenge to our understanding. We all use cognitive shortcuts or user interfaces, recognizing familiar patterns, all of which are wrong and...

Cutting Emissions by Reducing Food Waste

Game Changers Deep Dive: Cutting Emissions by Reducing Food Waste By Michael Shank and Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo Michael Shank is the Communications Director for CNCA,...

Wilson County, Kansas: Infiltration opportunity

"Conservation Matters" from the Wilson County Citizen (Fredonia, Kansas) How long does it take an inch of water to soak into the soil? This last...

What Is A Master Marijuana Grower? 💬 | Green CulturED eLearning Solutions

Whatever your reasons are for wanting to become a Master Cannabis Grower, you are no doubt wondering how exactly to go about it. For decades,...

Sunlight energy and length of green

Around soil conservation, the questions we ask have been mostly about practices, species, or substances. Practices such as terracing, buffer strips, strip till; species...

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