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Tag: Elden Ring Guides

Elden Ring: Dung Eater and Seedbed Curse (Despair secret ending)

Elden Ring Dung Eater Seedbed Curse Sewer Gaol Mending Rune Of Fell Curse Secret EndingThe Blessing of Despair is a secret ending that you can obtain in Elden Ring. It requires you to free a deranged prisoner in the sewers, before empowering it further with cursed items. Here’s our Elden Ring Blessing of Despair secret ending guide to help you with the quest involving the Dung Eater, Sewer Gaol, and Seedbed Curse. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub. Likewise, please be reminded that this guide contains spoilers.   Elden Ring Blessing of Despair secret ending guide – The Dung Eater, Sewer Gaol, and Seedbed Curse Elden Ring – Meeting the Dung Eater and getting your first Seedbed Curse The Dung Eater NPC in Elden Ring will appear once you’ve reached Leyndell Royal Capital. You can find him in Roundtable Hold past the hallway with the Twin Maiden Husks. This crazed individual will talk about murdering and defiling you, but pay no heed since he can’t do anything in Roundtable Hold. Now, assuming y...

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Elden Ring: How to reach Mohgwyn Palace (secret area)

Elden Ring Mohgwyn Palace Mohg The Omen Secret AreaMohgwyn Palace is, you guessed it, another secret area in Elden Ring. At this rate, there will be more secret areas than regular areas in the game. I digress. Point is, you’re going to have to search a bit to get to this location. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you reach the Mohgwyn Palace secret area. It will, eventually, lead to a battle against Mohg the Omen. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub.   Elden Ring guide – How to reach the Mohgwyn Palace secret area To get to the Mohgwyn Palace secret area in Elden Ring, you’ll need to have access to the Consecrated Snowfield. This is done by obtaining both halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion. With it, you’ll be able to use a second command when operating the Grand Lift of Rold, taking you to the Consecrated Snowfield instead of the Mountaintops of the Giants. As for the location itself, we’ll need to find a teleporter. If Ordina Liturgical Town...

Elden Ring: How to activate Rykard’s Great Rune

Elden Ring Rykard's Great Rune Activation Rykard Divine Tower West Altus Sealed Tunnel FeatOne of the bosses in Elden Ring is named Rykard Lord of Blasphemy, and you can put an end to him in Volcano Manor. Now, while you do acquire his Great Rune, you’ll end up going on a long trek just to find some use for it. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you activate Rykard’s Great Rune all the way in the Divine Tower of West Altus. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub.   Elden Ring guide – How to activate Rykard’s Great Rune in the Divine Tower of West Altus To activate Rykard’s Great Rune in Elden Ring, you’ll need to travel to the outskirts of Leyndell Royal Capital. In the southwestern section, you should find a location called the Sealed Tunnel. The tunnel itself can be reached by traversing the hillside path outside the capital and reaching a shallow river. Inside, you’ll see a Site of Grace and what seems to be a blocked path. But, if you hit the wall, it will reveal a secret cave...

Elden Ring: How to beat Lichdragon Fortissax in Deeproot Depths

Elden Ring Lichdragon Fortissax Secret Boss Guide Fia Deeproot DepthsLichdragon Fortissax is a secret boss in Elden Ring, one that you can only encounter after meeting a plethora of requirements as part of a quest chain. Here’s our Elden Ring boss guide to help you interact with Fia so you can fight and beat Lichdragon Fortissax in Deeproot Depths. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub. Likewise, please be reminded that this guide contains minor spoilers.   Elden Ring boss guide – How to beat Lichdragon Fortissax in Deeproot Depths (secret boss) Fia and the Cursemark of Death The Lichdragon Fortissax boss fight in Elden Ring takes place in Deeproot Depths. You can view our separate guide on what you need to do to get to this zone. Then, once you’ve defeated Fia’s Champions, you’ll be able to talk to Fia herself. Fia is initially antagonistic because she doesn’t know your intentions. However, you can ask her for a hug. You can then exhaust all her dialogue options. At thi...

Elden Ring: Where to find Deeproot Depths and Fia

Elden Ring Deeproot Depths Fia Cursemark Of DeathDeeproot Depths is another secret area in Elden Ring. This game is basically the Inception of secret areas due to all the discoveries that you’re bound to see. In this particular case, the dungeon will take you to meet an old friend. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you find Deeproot Depths and Fia, the Deathbed Companion from Roundtable Hold. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub. Likewise, please be reminded that this guide contains minor spoilers.   Elden Ring guide – Deeproot Depths and Fia Exploring Nokron Eternal City To get to Deeproot Depths in Elden Ring, you’ll need to meet the following criteria: Uncertain: Getting a hug from Fia in Roundtable Hold. Uncertain: Meeting Sorcerer Rogier during the Margit boss fight and, subsequently, while going through Stormveil Castle. You’ll cause him to spawn in Roundtable Hold where you can talk to him. Uncertain: Meeting D past Saintsbridge in Limgrave and ha...

Elden Ring: How to use Celestial Dew for hostile NPCs

Elden Ring Celestial Dew Church Of Vows Accidentally Attacked Friendly Hostile Npc Revive NpcElden Ring, like others Souls games, is primarily about combat. As such, there’s a good chance that you pressed a button by accident while talking to NPCs. Thankfully, similar to past titles, you can try to atone. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you use Celestial Dew in the Church of Vows to clear hostilities if you accidentally attack NPCs. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub. Likewise, please be reminded that this guide contains minor spoilers.   Elden Ring guide – Removing NPC hostility by using the Celestial Dew in the Church of Vows There are specific locations in Elden Ring where combat isn’t allowed, such as Roundtable Hold and Rennala’s chamber. For the vast majority of areas, though, you’ll be slashing, smashing, and spellcasting to your heart’s content. In some cases, you could end up hitting a friendly NPC, such as Sorceress Sellen — both the vendor and prisoner variants, mind you....

Elden Ring: Ordina Lithurgical Town puzzle guide (secret area)

Elden Ring Ordina Lithurgical Town Puzzle Guide HaligtreeIf you’ve obtained both halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion, you can use it on the Grand Lift of Rold to make it to the Hidden Path to the Haligtree. Further onward, you’ll encounter a puzzle that needs to be solved. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you with the Ordina Lithurgical Town puzzle so you can finally reach the Miquella’s Haligtree secret area. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub.   Elden Ring guide – Ordina Lithurgical Town puzzle solution To get to Ordina Lithurgical Town in Elden Ring, follow the main road of the Hidden Path to the Haligtree all the way north. While there are hostiles along the way, you won’t have to worry (yet) about baddies in this area. Simply use Torrent to double jump on rooftops to get past the barriers until you see an arcane plate. Once you step on it, the town turns into its Evergaol variant. Our goal now in the Ordina Lithurgical Town in Elden Ring is to...

Elden Ring: Where to get the Haligtree Secret Medallion for Grand Lift of Rold

Elden Ring Haligtree Secret Medallion Grand Lift Of Rold Hidden Path To The HaligtreeThe Grand Lift of Rold is one of the areas that you can visit in Elden Ring. It also contains a fairly important secret, a passageway that leads to an entirely new zone. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you obtain the Haligtree Secret Medallion for the Grand Lift of Rold. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub. Likewise, please be reminded that this guide contains spoilers.   Elden Ring guide – Where to get the Haligtree Secret Medallion for the Grand Lift of Rold The Grand Lift of Rold in Elden Ring is visited after you’ve cleared Leyndell Royal Capital. With Morgott the Omen King defeated, you think you’ll have an easy shot at entering the Erdtree in the court. However, you’re barred from passing through. But, once you rest at a Site of Grace, Melina tells you that you have to venture further to the Forgotten Lands and the Mountaintop of the Giants. Here’s the gist if you haven’t been to the G...

Elden Ring: How to get Blaidd’s armor set

Elden Ring Blaidd Armor Set Ranni Blaidd Dead Avoid Killing BlaiddBlaidd has been a reliable pal ever since your first meeting. Likewise, you’ll find out that he’s one of Ranni’s most trusted companions. Still, there’s a way for you to get his gear. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you obtain Blaidd’s armor set. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub. Likewise, please be reminded that this guide contains minor spoilers.   Elden Ring guide – How to get Blaidd’s armor set After a very long trek through multiple regions and secret dungeons, you’ll finally arrive at Moonlight Altar in Elden Ring. Down below the tunnels of the Cathedral of Manus Celes, you’ll find a bloodied Two Fingers, as well as a life-like doll of Ranni. If your character already has the Dark Moon Ring from Rennala’s chest, then the ring can be put on the doll’s finger. While no Beyonce song would play, Ranni still manifests in front of you. She tells you to follow ...

Elden Ring: Moonlight Altar and Dark Moon Ring guide (secret area)

Elden Ring Moonlight Altar Dark Moon Ring Dark Moon Greatsword RanniMoonlight Altar is another secret area in Elden Ring. It’s also quite remarkable, as this is the place that likely piqued your curiosity while exploring Liurnia of the Lakes. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you with the Moonlight Altar zone and how to use the Dark Moon Ring to acquire the Dark Moon Greatsword. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub. Likewise, please be reminded that this guide contains minor spoilers.   Elden Ring guide – Moonlight Altar and Dark Moon Ring If you’ve been following our guide series, then there’s a good chance that you’ve obtained the Dark Moon Ring already. It’s your reward for opening Rennala’s treasure chest which, in and of itself, is one helluva complicated quest chain. But, it’s not over yet. Make sure you’ve cleared the Lake of Rot and killed Astel Naturalborn of the Void. With Astel defeated, you should see that the path beyond is open if...

Elden Ring: Where to find Lusat and Azur for Sellen’s quest

Elden Ring Lusat Sorceress Sellen Quest AzurSorceress Sellen is an important NPC in Elden Ring since she’ll allow you to purchase Sorcery spells. However, she’s also got her own quest chain that involves finding other powerful wizards. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you find Lusat and Azur for Sorceress Sellen’s quest. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub.   Elden Ring – Where to find Lusat and Azur for Sorceress Sellen’s quest Sellen’s Scrolls and Sorcerer Azur in Mount Gelmir To clarify, I’m not yet sure about the correct trigger for Sorceress Sellen’s quest in Elden Ring. What I can tell you is that I collected all three scrolls first, handing them to Sellen in Waypoint Ruins. Then, while going through the campaign, I discovered Primeval Sorcerer Azul, a “dead” NPC that gives the Comet Azur spell. You’ll spot Primeval Sorcerer Azul in Elden Ring if you keep going around the loop past Fort Laiedd in Moun...

Elden Ring: How to beat Astel Naturalborn of the Void (secret boss)

Elden Ring Astel Naturalborn Of The Void Boss Guide Secret Boss Lake Of RotAstel Naturalborn of the Void is a secret boss in Elden Ring. You can fight it once you’ve gotten past the debilitating effects of the Lake of Rot, whereupon you’ll see a coffin at the edge of a cliff. Interacting with it causes your character to climb in, bringing you to a separate location. Here’s our Elden Ring Astel Naturalborn of the Void guide to help you defeat this secret boss in the Lake of Rot. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub.   Elden Ring guide – How to beat Astel Naturalborn of the Void (secret boss) Think of the Astel Naturalborn of the Void boss in Elden Ring as a combination of Rykard Lord of Blasphemy and Starscourge Radahn due to its attacks. This scorpion from the stars, reminiscent of the Rockslinger Demons that you’ve fought, has some deadly abilities, though a lot can be telegraphed. Moreover, please be reminded that I did this battle purely from a ranged combat standpoint. Elden Rin...

Elden Ring: Lake of Rot guide (secret area)

Elden Ring Lake Of Rot Secret Area Astel Naturalborn Of The Void Scarlet RotLake of Rot is another secret area in Elden Ring. It’s going to test your mettle due to an abundance of status effects that can afflict your character. But, if you persevere, you might be able to battle another major boss. Here’s our Elden Ring Lake of Rot secret area guide to help you explore this zone and make it all the way to the next boss. Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub.   Elden Ring guide – Lake of Rot secret area guide If you’ve managed to make it all the way to the end of Nokstella Eternal City, then you’ll come across a building with an elevator that takes you down to another sector. Proceed further past the Tadholes (tadpoles that are a-holes because they’ll kill you with blight). If in case you’re doing Witch Ranni’s quest (and this is important), you’re going to encounter a Baleful Shadows as soon as you step foot in the area that’s gleaming with red lights. Thi...

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