Tag: Archive

Western Digital: We’re just about DDN with these data centre systems

American drive-slinger Western Digital has pulled out of the storage systems business, telling the world last night that it is selling the IntelliFlash...

Preparing soil samples for carbon analysis

If you're sampling for soil carbon, be sure to use consistent sample preparation. For sampling methods, see our download section. Upon taking a soil sample...

Accent discrimination: let’s call the whole thing off

King John, Jafar, and Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz walk into a bar. King John promptly orders a goblet of wine, Jafar complains to the...

Artificial Intelligence and Home Automation, a.k.a. My Home is Smarter Than Yours!

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email Artificial intelligence is all around us, to say the least. It’s invaded our workplaces, our cars, our phones and every aspect of personal...

What is Email Protection?

Reading Time: 3 minutesEmail Protection or Email Security refers to the methodologies implied to safeguard the content and access to email service or...

RMM or PSA: Which is Best for an MSP?

Reading Time: 2 minutesManaged Service Providers or MSPs as they are commonly called are companies that are equipped to manage the client organization’s...

Top anti-spam email filters for Thunderbird to keep your inbox clean

Reading Time: 4 minutesEmail inboxes are constantly bombarded with spam mails. It does not just occupy the email bandwidth, however, it also brings...

South Korea Crypto Exchange Pure Bit Pulls Exit Scam With 13,000 ETH ($2.8 Million)

South Korea Crypto Exchange Pure Bit Pulls Exit Scam With 13,000 ETH ($2.8 Million)
According to reports, Korean cryptocurrency exchange Pure Bit has disappeared into thin air, making off with over 13,000 ETH (about $2.8 million) raised from its investors.

The rise and fall of the English language

If you’re reading this in the original English it was written (rather than our translations in Chinese, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish or Italian), perhaps it’s not...

Password Stealer Hides In The Payment File And Hunts For Credentials

Reading Time: 3 minutesCybercriminals’ big hunt for users’ credentials is gaining momentum rapidly. Their strategy usually stays the same: get attention of the...

Making sense of AI tools for marketing

Not a week goes by without some new artificial-intelligence-powered product being marketed to marketers. For marketers wanting to gain an edge on the...

New BVLOS Flights Anticipated as Vigilant Aerospace Teams Up with Two UAS Integration Pilot Program Participants

Vigilant Aerospace has been selected to provide detect-and-avoid and airspace safety systems using our FlightHorizon product to two Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration Pilot Program (UIPP) participants, selected and announced yesterday by the FAA. The two teams made compelling proposals to the FAA to help advance the state of the UAS industry in the US, […]

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