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Oznaka: Staking

Šunka se bo izboljšala na Yamu z najnovejšim eksperimentom DeFi

The Yam yield farming frenzy that took DeFi by storm last week highlighted a number of elements that could have been improved...

Vložki za nevtrino dolarje Waves prihajajo v mrežo Ethereum

The Neutrino protocol, a price-stable multi-asset protocol running on major blockchain platform Waves, is introducing the Neutrino dollar (USDN) on Ethereum.The Neutrino dollar,...

Tedenska analiza trga Bitcoin in Cryptocurrency

Simon Peters, tržni analitik: Bitcoin nas draži pri 12,000 $ Dovolj je reči, da je bil teden naporen, z...

Cena Ethereuma se giblje okrog 430 ameriških dolarjev, ko je ETH2 Testnet izkušenj izpadel

Ethereum’s price has begun to falter after surging higher late last week. The cryptocurrency trades at $430 as...

Pregled pasovnega protokola: varna in interoperabilna rešitev Oracle

10-kratno zvišanje cene je normalno pri kriptovaluti, zlasti med bikovskimi trgi. Kar pa ni normalno, je 10-kratno povečanje med...

Projekt Nebulas blockchain objavlja načrte za ogromen ekosistem DeFi!

Recently, the Nebulas blockchain project released it’s revised roadmap detailing the immediate future of the project and its current direction. Even though the tough...

Polkadot razkriva podrobnosti o prihajajoči redenominaciji DOT

Blockchain interoperability platform, Polkadot has released details of its upcoming Denomination Day, when native DOT tokens will...

DeFi kmetje hitijo v Yam in serum za eksplozivne pridelke

It seems that not a day goes by without another yield farming opportunity or DEX token hitting the DeFi scene. Today is...

Naraščajoče zanimanje za pridelavo jama – a je to preveč tvegano?

The latest craze in the DeFi sector is a new yield farming protocol called Yam which promises ‘equal opportunity’ staking with no premine,...

DeFi Token Serum poraste 1500% v 12 urah po uvrstitvi na seznam

The latest DeFi token to moon is for the decentralized derivatives exchange Serum ,which surged by four figures following its launch and exchange...

Ethereum 2.0 testnet deluje dobro, z milijonom naloženih "ETH"

It’s been almost a week since the launch of the ETH 2.0 final public testnet, which has been performing as intended by...

Ampleforth padel za 66 % — Dobrodošli v Rebasing

The elastic supply token Ampleforth (AMPL) has lost two-thirds of its market cap in a matter of days. The atypical characteristics of...

Najnovejša inteligenca
