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Oznaka: SIX

Unauthorized Bitcoin ATMs Closed by German Crypto Regulator

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), which is now German’s Bitcoin regulator, is shutting down illegal bitcoin ATMs in the country.BaFin was given...

Procesorji AMD od 2011 do 2019 ranljivi za dva nova napada

In addition, researchers said they used the same Collide+Probe attack to recover the encryption key from an AES T-table implementation, a commonly used...

Weekend PC Download Deals for Mar. 6: Free Rainbow Six Siege weekend

There are a lot of games to play out there, but in terms of big-time sales, there isn't a lot going down this...

Ta teden na Xboxu: 6. marca 2020

We know you’re busy and might miss out on all the exciting things we’re talking about on Xbox Wire every week....

Podcasti SaaStr za teden: Lekcije iz najboljšega v tehniki - 6. marec 2020

Ep. 313: Danes se poglobljeno poglobimo v to, kaj se lahko novoustanovljena podjetja naučijo od današnjih velikih ponudnikov SaaS. Sarah Varni: CMO @ Twilio o svojem...

Študija: Najstniki čakajo, da bodo kasneje v življenju preizkusili droge

Prihod reforme marihuane po Severni Ameriki je tako politike kot starše zaskrbelo, ali bodo imeli najstniki lahek dostop do konoplje. ampak...

Pojasnjena razlaga Huawei backdoors

Today Huawei published a video explaining the concept of “backdoors” in telco equipment. Many are criticizing the video for being tone deaf....

Brezplačna igra Steam je zdaj na voljo – vendar le za kratek čas

It's a great weekend to try out some new games for free--some huge titles, like Rainbow Six Siege and Mortal Kombat 11,...

Kaj je telemedicina konoplje in ali je koristna?

The practice of remote medical practice began decades ago in the 50s and 60s. Recent technological advancements, like the influx of communications apps,...

Top Cannabis Industry Stories for the Week of March 2-6, 2020

In this week’s issue, we recap the nine biggest cannabis industry news stories for the week of February 29 – March 6, 2020. The...

Fizične napake: Intelova težava Root-of-Trust je večinoma omilila

An insider, or security expert with physical access, can compromise the hardware protections of Intel chips sold in the past five years.Most Intel...

Katera država bo najprej legalizirala marihuano leta 2020: Kentucky, Ohio ali Indiana?

There has been a lot of discussion this year about legalizing marijuana in a few additional states across the Midwest now that Michigan...

Najnovejša inteligenca
