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НАСА планирует в марте развернуть лунную ракету SLS, запуск которой состоится позднее этой весной

НАСА сообщает, что первый запуск лунной ракеты Space Launch System запланирован на март перед ключевым испытанием заправки топливом на прибрежной стартовой площадке Космического центра Кеннеди, что отложено на несколько недель, чтобы дать больше времени для работы внутри здания сборки транспортных средств.

Руководство по мобильным картам PUBG: взгляд на каждую карту в мобильной королевской битве

PUBG Mobile зарекомендовала себя как одна из лучших мобильных игр в жанре «королевская битва», предоставляя вам все возможности PUBG на вашем телефоне с момента ее запуска в декабре 2017 года. За последние четыре года в игру попало множество нового контента, то есть новых или уже ушедших игроков. может понадобиться помощь, чтобы вернуться обратно.

This guide provides a brief breakdown of each of the game's four battle royale maps, offering the best drop locations and a few other tips to get your PUBG Mobile experience going.

Эрангель, оригинальная карта PUBG.


Erangel is the original PUBG map, the one that players have been fighting for chicken dinners on since the beginning. It's an 8x8 map with a few city areas separated by vast open land. The southern part of the map is an isolated island area housing a military base, connected to the mainland through two small bridges. If you don't land at the military base to begin with, and the circle doesn't force you down there, it'd be best to just stay away from that area for the entire match.

Вот несколько хороших мест для посадки:

  • Карьер, located on the southwest portion of the mainland just north of Primotsk, is a flat area with a few isolated buildings. There's enough loot to get you started--especially if you find an occasional rare drop--and unless the safe zone is in the extreme northeast you won't have to travel terribly far to make it to safety in time. Be wary of other players landing here though, as the flat terrain makes jumping out into the open risky.
  • Военная база, located on that southern island connected only by two bridges, is where you land when you want to start your match with as much chaos as possible. The massive base is home to some great loot, but other players in the game know this as well. The early game becomes a race to the best guns when you land at the base, so if you like high action from the start you'll have a field day here.
  • Школа, located near the center of the map, is another high-volume area when a match first begins, but unlike the Military Base this location is nearly dead center on the map. This means you can gear up and take down a few enemies while never being too far away from the safe zone. If you can fend off the other players who will inevitably drop here with you, you'll be sitting pretty in the late game no matter where the circle lies.
Мирамар, место назначения PUBG Mobile в пустыне.


Miramar is a barren map set in the desert, meaning that there's very little greenery around to protect from long-range weaponry. There are towns of course, Los Leones and Pecado among them, but outside of those towns the area is flat and empty. If you can loot a sniper rifle or similar long-range weapon you're going to have a good time, otherwise stick to buildings and only move when you're out of the safe zone.

Три места, о которых следует подумать, когда вы впервые приземлитесь:

  • Очистка воды, located just north of the map's center. It's a small location, but it still holds a decent amount of loot to get you started. At most you'll have two or three opponents landing here with you, not nearly as many as dropping as places like Los Leones, so early game skirmishes should be manageable. Also, being so close to the center of the map, you can gauge how far you'll have to travel to get into the first safe zone--if you're not in it already--and plan accordingly.
  • Непосредственно к юго-востоку от Эль-Азахар, which is located in the northeastern part of the map, are a few circular standalone buildings overlooking the town. There's enough loot there to get you going, and most players that land in this region will head straight into El Azahar so you might be able to get some loot and get out before anyone sees you.
  • Внешние края Львы have enough loot that you can get yourself equipped pretty well before heading into the city proper for some early firefights. Those who prefer to start slow should steer clear of this area all together, but if you're the type that likes early action we wouldn't recommend diving into the city's center. Instead work the fringes and see what you can find.
Санок, карта с множеством зеленых полей для сражений.


Unlike Miramar, Sanhok is nothing but lush greens and hills for miles. The massive map means there's plenty of space even for 100 players,and the hilly terrain will offer plenty of places to hide and stake out opportunities for both loot and engaging other players. The river running through the middle of the map--and also bisecting the western half--creates some tense moments when the safe zone is on one side of the bridge and you're on the other, so be mindful of where you need to be and when. We'd recommend dropping onto the larger island when you play Sanhok, as you'll be on the safe side of the map more often than not.

Три лучших места для посадки:

  • Бхан, located at the center of Sanhok's largest island, is a strange wooden structure that holds a decent amount of loot. The way the landmark is laid out will require some jumping, so be sure not to put yourself out in the open if you can avoid it, but staying low and collecting whatever loot Bhan has to offer makes for a solid opening strategy.
  • Пай Нан, located in the lower half of the map along the river, is a coastal town with buildings on either side of the river. We'd recommend landing on the northern side, as that would put you on the main island and hopefully on a clearer path to the first safe zone. Also, since Pai Nan is a town cut in two halves, there's a chance any opponents dropping here as well will go to the other side of the river, leaving you all the loot.
  • Карьер, also located on the eastern half of the map, is a massive rocky area with good loot to be found throughout. It's one of the larger landmarks on the map but its loot pool isn't as big as one of the towns, so we don't expect it to be terribly populated at any given time. More loot for you, and if someone did join you there there's enough space to get away from the attack and collect yourself.
Викенди, место для снежных стычек.


We've had barren desert and lush greens, now it's time to head to a frozen tundra. Vikendi is a s nowy map that's smaller than Erangel, but still holds plenty of locations and points of interest hiding good loot. The western part of the map is a little more open than the rest if you need some space to operate, but otherwise be ready for some interesting skirmishes right from the get-go.

Три лучших места для нацеливания при сбросе:

  • Пиломатериалы, расположенный на юго-восточном побережье, предлагает много добычи и очень мало поводов для беспокойства. Поскольку в Викенди так много городов на маленькой карте, другие игроки, как правило, идут к городам и сражаются с ними. Посещение лесопилки позволяет вам немного запастись запасами, прежде чем пытаться закрепиться в соседнем городе, таком как Кантра или Пешкова, или на цементном заводе на северо-западе.
  • Dino Park, which can be found in the southwestern portion of the map, offers similar perks to Lumber Yard but with one extra incentive: this one's closer to the center of the map. Here you can load up on items, then wait for enemies to come by until the safe zone appears and tells you where you're going next. If you have to be in the safe zone, you can fortify your position and wait to get the jump on some unlucky passersby.
  • Гора Крезник, located at the center of the map, will definitely be a hotspot in the early going. Only land here if you've been playing the game for a while, because it's a high-elevation area with plenty of loot, so it's a perfect place to start a match. If you think you can hold your own and be the last one standing, head to Mount Kreznic and have fun.

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Идеальная посадка.

Для определенного типа игроков Мир ОллиОлли это просто весело. Давайте не будем ходить вокруг да около: эта игра о скейтбординге с боковой прокруткой просто замечательна и на много лиг опережает предыдущие игры серии. Разработчик Roll7 серьезно продвинулся вперед, улучшив практически каждый аспект франшизы и представив ее в великолепной новой обертке.

Конечно, новый визуальный стиль — самое заметное изменение. Выглядит как что-то, что вы бы смотрели в Cartoon Network, затененное искусство на высоте, и оно придает франшизе гораздо больше индивидуальности — и это до того, как в нем представлены какие-либо персонажи. Между прочим, переход на 2.5D нужен не только для эстетики; сценам придается новое ощущение глубины, а это означает, что они не только выглядят лучше, но и кажутся больше и глубже.

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