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Спокойной ночи, Оппи: документальный фильм о марсоходе НАСА Opportunity


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NASA’s Opportunity Rover has always been a star, and now it’s ready for its closeup. Good Night Oppy is an upcoming documentary set to bring out the Wall-E in the little rover. Here’s more from Engadget:

The documentary was directed by Ryan White, with Angela Bassett…providing narration. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab helped with the project, sharing archival footage and knowledge of the rover’s mission.

Opportunity was one of two rovers NASA landed on the surface of Mars in 2004. What was initially supposed to be a 90-day mission turned into a 15-year adventure exploring the surface of the Red Planet. During that time, the rover helped reveal that Mars once had oceans made of water and even broke the record for the longest off-earth Drive. Along the way, it sent stunning images of Mars. Спокойной ночи, Оппи начнется ограниченный тираж 4 ноября, прежде чем он отправится на Amazon Prime Video 23 ноября.

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