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Note de lansare Meta Horizon Worlds v78


Bine ați venit la Lumi Meta Horizon v78!

This week, we have 14 bug fixes ranging from improvements to lighting and sound, grabbables, and the updated camera feature. We’re laser-focused on quality, and in this spirit, we’re rolling out a new bug bashing feature that will make reporting bugs easier. Let’s dive in!

Join Us for Meta Connect

Experiență Conectați in Worlds for the first time! Join us on October 11 for the in-VR event where you’ll hear the latest and greatest on what we’ve been up to.

Inregistrare online, and then head to the Events tab to see all the great content we have lined up for the day. Be sure to check our Guide to Connect 2022’s Can’t-Miss Sessions.

New In-VR Bug Reporting Tool

We’ve heard your feedback – it’s too hard to report bugs out of the headset, and you want to attach screenshots or videos to your bug reports. In this release, we’re rolling out a way to simply press and hold down the A, B, X, and Y buttons for five seconds and a new in-app bug reporting experience will pop up.

Thanks in advance for your help hunting down these bugs!

#POPMJam Competition Update

Due to technical difficulties (let’s be real, the platform was unstable and had too many bugs near the end of the competition), we couldn’t fairly judge the submissions. We’ve expanded the total prize pool to $267,000 (from $150,000) to award everyone who participated in the competition as a first step.

Prizes aren’t the only reason creators build for competitions—we know it’s about recognition, notoriety, and that world builder cred. We’re working on a few cool ways to highlight the submitted worlds with the entire community, so stay tuned!


We’ve updated our Code of Conduct for Virtual Experiences. You can read about it aici.

Corectarea erorilor


  • Fixed overflow scrolling in Worlds panel
  • Improved rendering defects in avatars (more work in progress here)
  • Continuare improvements to travel performance
  • Info panels now show the correct content in Arcade, Venues, and some of your personal spaces
  • S-a remediat un bug unde users see a blurred image instead of a preview when joining a world


  • S-a remediat un bug unde observers see white screen in cameras
  • Camera de sine is now working properly


  • Improved audio choppiness issues when multiple people are in a world
  • Improvements to support floats for persistence variables and achievements
  • Red errors no longer appear when creator tries to “mute for world” to any visitor in Worlds


  • Fixed an issue where player stats aren’t updating properly for achievements panel [UserVoice]
  • Fixed bugs that prevented grabbables from being grabbed sub anumite conditii
  • We have an update on the “get who is allowed to view object” code block returning an incorrect value when it’s used immediately after setting who can view the object [UserVoice]. Currently, code blocks don’t have read-after-write observability. As a result, some code blocks do not take effect until the following frame or update. We’re currently working on updating our code block documentation to better explain this functionality.
  • Lighting renders correctly upon loading into worlds
  • Sound frequencies are balanced between Edit and Visit mode and are no longer going rogue on creators

probleme cunoscute


  • Un mesaj de eroare va apărea ambelor părți după o persoană blocuri un alt
  • "Găsiți oameni de urmărit” button is missing on the Following tab
  • Filele Urmăritori și Următori nu aveți lângă ele un număr care să reflecte cu exactitate numărul de persoane pe care o persoană îi urmărește în prezent
  • haptice sometimes aren’t applied when throwing an object
  • Cand a homeowner updates their house rules, the updated rules take a few minutes to appear for guests
  • Level and stats are still getting reset în unele lumi precum Arena Clash și Purged [UserVoice]
  • Unii oameni nu pot trece peste pagina de încărcare sau ecranul albastru de încărcare [UserVoice]—we’re looking for more data on this, so please flag it to us on the Facebook Group if you see it
  • Atunci când se utilizează Călătorii de petrecere to travel to a personal space with a visitor, the visitor may land on a blank screen—please ask the homeowner to travel to their home alone first
  • After spawning into some FPS games, some players don’t have the default weapon attached to the waist
  • Lumi cu caractere speciale în numele lor nu apar corect în rezultatele căutării în filele Lume și Creare


  • Incapabil sa aprobă mai mult de cele mai recente 10 postări la pagina mondială [UserVoice]
  • copy tool doesn’t spawn in the duplicated object at an offset position
  • Grabbables schimbă poziția și sunt aruncate periodic prin lume [UserVoice]—note that removing colliders on key objects in your world can solve the problem for now
  • There’s additional lag when you implement Achievements in worlds
  • Dacă un creator animă manual un grup folosind panoul de proprietăți, alte persoane nu vor vedea că animația are loc în locația reală a grupului
  • Proiectilele sunt sparte în unele lumi — viteza obiectelor scade la 0,0,0 când le ridici, ceea ce distruge experiența în unele lumi care au lucruri precum „aruncarea săgeților” [UserVoice]
  • Capacitate sonoră schimbări între editare, vizitare și câți oameni sunt într-o lume [UserVoice]
  • Listă Sound Gizmo se populează de jos când se utilizează funcția de căutare
  • Nu se poate înregistra niciunul intrare înregistrator de sunet

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