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Most read news of the week: 29 May


Last week’s top news stories: Apple Glass, videos released by the Pentagon and former US President Barack Obama’s UFO claims

What are the most read news stories of the last week? What were the trending topics in the world of innovation? What was talked about on social networks around the world? In order to answer these questions, we have selected the news items that have had the most visibility on our portal over the past week and have aroused the curiosity of our readers.

Most read news items of the week

Cook focuses on Augmented Reality: Apple Glass coming soon

apple glass augmented realityA dream for Apple fans, a big step forward for the spread of Augmented Reality. After more than a year of announcements, denials and postponements (we talked about it here), Apple Glass is finally about to arrive on the market. This is the new wearable device “Made in Cupertino” to be combined with the iPhone to make the smartphone experience even more immersive. The Apple Glasses will be real smart glasses (with graduated or normal lenses, depending on the needs) that will allow to live Augmented Reality experiences. Users will be able to view videos, images, web pages and three-dimensional content directly on the lens of their smart glasses. READ THE ARTICLE

UFOs, Pentagon: ‘Video of flying object above the sea is authentic’

ufo pentagon video authenticThe mystery deepens. A few weeks after it went viral, the video shot on board the USS Omaha has been ‘confirmed’ by the Pentagon, the US Department of Defence. The events shown in the video date back to 2019. During an exercise on board the warship USS Omaha in California waters, some military personnel film a truly incredible scene. A spherical object appears in the sky and starts following the ship closely. The scene goes on for a few minutes and then, as suddenly as it appeared, the flying object disappears into the sea. The video was released online just two years later by Jeremy Corbell, a well-known documentary filmmaker and UFO researcher. READ THE ARTICLE AND WATCH THE VIDEO

UFOs, former President Obama: ‘They exist but we don’t know what they are’

ufos obamaPandora’s Box has been opened. After the Pentagon’s official statement on the authenticity of the USS Omaha video (watch it here), UFOs have returned to the centre of public opinion and social media debates in the US. Even former President Barack Obama had his say during an episode of The Late Show, a CBS programme hosted by Jams Corden. The man who headed the White House from 2009 to 2017 said: ‘There are videos and pictures of flying objects that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain their behaviour in the air, how they fly the way they do or follow those trajectories.” READ THE ARTICLE

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Source: https://www.thepatent.news/2021/05/29/most-read-news-week-29-may/


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