제퍼넷 로고


TFT 세트 5 Mortdog Madness 토너먼트 시청 방법

Hosted by Giant Slayer TV and Riot game director Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer, the Mortdog Madness tournament will feature top Teamfight Tactics streamers playing...

Blizzard to host Overwatch League Mei Gala cosplay fashion show

Activision Blizzard is hosting a new event in May that will focus on showcasing the variety of the Overwatch cosplay community.  The Mei...

Fortnite에서 Raven은 어디에 있습니까?

FortniteFortnite 플레이어들은 Rebirth Raven을 어디서 찾을 수 있는지 궁금해하고 있습니다. 그녀는 맵 내에서 찾을 수 있는 46명의 NPC 중 하나입니다...

Verdansk Part 1 이벤트 서버 문제의 Warzone 파괴

Call of DutyCall of Duty: Warzone's Destruction of Verdansk Part 1 event has been plagued with server issues. The Nuke Event, which the...

OWL 2021 파워 랭킹 – # 4 Los Angeles Gladiators

The Los Angeles Gladiators barely miss the podium and place 4th in our Overwatch League 2021 power rankings. The Los Angeles Gladiators are...

Code S RO8 미리보기: Maru vs Hurricane, Trap vs INno

by WaxDream and Rogue are set to clash in the first semifinal—now it's time to learn who will advance from the opposite side...

OWL 2021 파워 랭킹 – # 5 필라델피아 퓨전

Philadelphia Fusion is 5th in our Overwatch League 2021 power rankings. Ever since the Inaugural Season, Philadelphia Fusion keeps on appearing in the...

로스 앤젤레스 게릴라의 3 콜 오브 듀티 리그 시즌 2021 단계 선발 명단에서 비비드 교체

Another Call of Duty League franchise is making a roster change right before Stage Three kicks off tomorrow. Vivid has been benched...

Warzone 시즌 3 핵 이벤트는 여파로 계속됩니다: Rebirth Island at Night

Call of DutyBy Max Mallow | Apr 21, 2021, 5:20 PM EDTWarzone Season 3's nuke event continued at 5 p.m. ET following the...

Riot August는 징크스의 Zap을 가능하게 하는 또 다른 히스테리적인 밈을 제공합니다! 여러 노틸러스 생성

League of Legends principal champ designer August Browning is at it again. The Riot dev delivered another cheeky meme today, giving Jinx a...

포트나이트 역사상 최고의 저격수 5인

FortniteThe Boom Sniper Rifle was the most unique of all these snipers. Instead of bullets that just hit you, they shot clingers that...

Monster Hunter Rise 버블폼 가이드

Top GamesBubblefoam in Monster Hunter Rise is an item that can be obtained from Mizutsune. These monsters are Leviathans that can secrete foam...

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