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Charts: Global Payments Trends and Outlook


Funding for the global payments industry in Q2 2022 experienced its biggest quarterly decline since 2020. That’s according to a research report by CB Insights, titled “State of Payments Q2’22. "

According to the report, global payments funding dropped to $5.1 billion, its lowest level since Q4 2020, down 43% from Q1 2022. The number of deals decreased 18% from the previous quarter to 256.


The CB Insights report addressed unicorni, private companies valued at $1 billion or higher. In Q2 2022, seven new payments-related unicorns were born, increasing the global number to 96.


Secondo un rapporto by Insider Intelligence, the volume of U.S. B2B payment transactions is anticipated to increase 7.8% year-over-year this year, reaching roughly $28 trillion.


Celent is a U.S.-based research and advisory firm focused on global financial technology. Celent intervistati banks in 2021 to create a worldwide “State of the Nation” report for non-card payments modernization, asking bank executives about futuro of deployment methods.



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