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Charts: Global Supply Chain Trends 2022


IHS Markit is a London-based research and data firm, now part of S&P Global. IHS’s new “Supply Chain Survey Report 2022” (PDF) addresses the results of its annual query of global supply chain executives. This year’s survey received 903 responses from participants in 85 countries across 36 industries.

According to the report, “Spend management” — i.e., controlling supply chain costs in raw materials, commodities, and logistics — is a top priority of organizations worldwide, as is “Category management,” which includes forecasting and supplier analysis.


The survey asked executives about their overall sfide della catena di approvvigionamento in 2022.


Accurate and reliable data is essential for optimized supply chains. But access to timely and straightforward info is one of the largest hurdles for survey respondents.


A giugno 2022 Bloomberg articolo addressed the status of global supply chains and their effect on U.S. consumer prices. The article cited data from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, which stated supply restrizioni (made worse by Russia’s war in Ukraine) are responsible for nearly half of the rise in the U.S. inflation rate.


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