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Rainbow Six Siege breaks 200,000 concurrent players on Steam

Rainbow Six Siege launched in April 2015 and has gone through some serious rough patches, but the game continues to see massive success,...

Cos'è Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel e come lo giochi?

There are dozens of different ways to play Yu-Gi-Oh!, whether it be through using closed formats to limit what cards can be played,...

Come correggere l'errore "Dipendenze richieste" in VALORANT

Ogni aggiornamento o nuovo titolo passa attraverso lunghe fasi di controllo della qualità. Questo aiuta quando si tratta di eliminare tutti i bug...

I punti deboli e i contrattacchi di Absol in Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is home to hundreds of different Pokémon species spanning over the franchise’s many generations. Each of these species is assigned one...

Envy è stato eliminato da NA VCT Masters One dal rovente Gen.G

Envy were widely considered the best team going into NA’s VALORANT Champions Tour Masters One. But today they were eliminated by dark horse...

Pikachu lascia il Team Unique, Ergon per continuare a giocare come sostituto

In a move telegraphed by one of his teammates yesterday, Yaroslav “Pikachu” Vasilenko has officially left Team Unique despite the Dota 2 team...

Fluxo vince la prima stagione della Brazilian Free Fire League 2021

Fluxo were crowned champions of the first season of the Brazilian Free Fire League (LBFF) 2021 today after winning the grand finals with...

Il MIBR sconfigge il TeamOne in un rapporto ravvicinato e si assicura la prima vittoria in EPL

MIBR have secured their first win in ESL Pro League's Group C after coming out on top of the second Brazilian derby of...

Le 5 migliori Fetch Land in Magic: The Gathering

Fetch lands in Magic: The Gathering allow you sacrifice the card to pull other lands from your deck, giving you the ability to...

Chivalry 2 Nintendo Switch: Chivalry 2 arriverà su Switch?

Top GamesIs Chivalry 2 coming to the Nintendo Switch? This much-hyped sequel to the popular 2013 first-person hack and slasher Chivalry: Medieval Warfare...

Meridiana di Valheim: come crearne una per la tua base

I migliori giochiLa meridiana di Valheim è un concetto creato dai fan ed è piuttosto difficile da padroneggiare. I giocatori di Valheim si sono chiesti come realizzare una meridiana per i loro...

Cosa fa la celerità in Destiny 2?

The Celerity perk reads as isGain the following effects while you are the last living member of your fireteam:• Increased target acquisition• Increased...

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