जेफिरनेट लोगो

[टेकस्ट्रीट नाउ में हेलो] हेलो ने कम रोशनी की स्थिति में वीडियो की गुणवत्ता बढ़ाने के लिए विसिडॉन को चुना - हमारा क्राउड ब्लॉग


Hailo Technologies Ltd designs and develops microprocessor. The Company focuses on building AI processors to compute and interpret vast amounts of data in realtime processors that can be embedded in the edge devices themselves. The integration of AI technology is already proving transformative for the global automotive industry by offering high-performance, cost-effective, robust, and scalable solutions for automated driving and parking. During an interaction with Vidushi, Yaniv Sulkes, VP of Automotive at Hailo discussed the future of autonomous driving and the pivotal role that advanced AI technology.

अधिक पढ़ें यहाँ उत्पन्न करें.


नवीनतम खुफिया
