APIs Doc

Labaran Platoblockchain API


Labarai Apis

1. https://us-central1-plato-blockchain.cloudfunctions.net/newsApi

- @params
- Query parameters 
- GET Method
 - q      (string)    e.g. q=blockchain 
 - limit  (integer)   limit=10
 - offset (integer)   offset=0
 - @response
     "status" : "ok",
     "articles" : [] <-- array of items
 Query parameter i.e q should be a string e.g. blockchain, bitcoin.

2. https://us-central1-plato-blockchain.cloudfunctions.net/newsApi

- @params
- GET Method
- Query parameters 
 - q      (string) e.g. q=latest 
 - limit  (integer)   limit=10
 - offset (integer)   offset=0
 - @response
     "status" : "ok",
     "articles" : [] <-- array of items
  Query parameter i.e q should be 'latest'

3. https://us-central1-plato-blockchain.cloudfunctions.net/statsOfNews

- @params
- GET Method
- Query parameters NA
 - @response
    "stats": {
    "hourNodes": 115,
    "todayNodes": 265

Source: https://github.com/etheralabs/platodataSource: