Did Amazon Leak the Legends Z-A Release Date? | Pokemon News Weekly



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It is 2025 and we here at The Game Haus are happy to bring you the latest on all things Pokemon. We will be doing these weekly News articles to make sure that you do not miss out on the latest. This will discuss Pokemon News, Leaks, Rumors and more. With that, here is the second Pokemon News Weekly for 2025 where we discuss the Pokemon Legends Z-A Release Date Leak from Amazon, the next Pokemon Presents and more!

Amazon Leak of Legends Z-A Release Date

There are new rumors that Amazon accidentally leaked the Pokemon Legends Z-A Release Date through their platform. You can see them in the Tweet on X but there is not much evidence to substantiate this. Not in the sense that they did not provide photos but there are numerous reasons why they could have happened.

It would be a bit surprising to say the least for this to be the release date. But, it is certainly not impossible.

Pokemon Presents 2025 Pokemon Day Confirmation

We were already certain that The Pokemon Company would continue to release new information through Pokemon Presents on Pokemon Day. This was basically confirmed with a data mine into Pokemon GO. The date is February 27, 2025 and players and fans alike should be ready for a lot of information.

[Related: Pokemon News Weekly: Gen 10 Rumors & A New Mega?!]

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New Pokemon TCG Set: Journey Together

With Prismatic Evolutions coming out soon, the next set, Journey Together has been revealed along with the release date. This set will release on March 28, 2025 and will feature some of everyone’s favorite trainers from over the years and their partner Pokemon.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Update: New Wonder Pick Event

A new Wonder Pick event has started. You can get the promo cards for Charmander and Squirtle through the free and 2-cost Wonder Picks in your shop. Make sure to grab them before they are gone in the next few days.

Pokemon GO Update: Pokemon GO Fest Dates and New Unova Legendaries

Pokemon GO Fest dates and locations were announced to start off the year. The world tour of sorts will be hitting Japan as it always does, the United States and France for those in Europe.

The last major bit of news from Pokemon this week was an update from Pokemon GO. Black and White Kyurem are making their debuts in the game. It will be interesting to see how these raids play out.

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